老题十大名段: 91.5.C1:打工段 打工职责,打工感受 规律:1)找工作步骤: check the paper (job opening) telephone inquiry (position available time for appointment) intereview (hour salary experience) job offer (accept turn down) 2)习语: earn the bread 挣钱 bring home the bacom 挣钱 bread and butter 指生活所需品 91.1.C1:新生培训段落(oriontation) 学生思维:三大抱怨:学费上涨;食堂、宿舍太差;考试、作业、课程太多太难 对学校相关机构评价:喜欢/不喜欢 90.5.C1:课外活动段 听的习惯:边听边看选项 与热门话题的结合:环保 93.5.C1/94、10、1 找房场景(housing) 规律:住宿舍:太小,地脏,太吵,太严 tiny room空间 住公寓:太贵,东西老坏,室友难处 We can’t afford a lot. 东西老坏:fix repair teilet telephone 室友:neat considerate 抱怨 修理:window is stack 窗户打不开 the sink will be clogged 水池堵了 pipe will be clogged 管道不通 wiring 电线出问题 shutter→loose 百叶窗松了 修不如买的说法: trade it in for sth stock up on sth invest in cash in on sth pay by instalment 分期付款 down payment (分期付款的)头期 deposit 押金 特殊背景 92.5.C3/93、1、C3 实习段落 女生去实习,结合热门话题:保护濒危动物 题型:实习专业,女生感受,实习职责,男生疑问 职业场景要注意职业套话:开头,结尾 91.1.C2 论文段: 题型:题目难定,资料难找,打字困难 91.8.C2 缺课类 0 题型:缺课原因,所缺内容,愚蠢问题(男生) 89.10.C1 评价教授与课程 评价好与坏的常用词汇: 习惯用语: 1. By all means boring. (by all means = certainly) By no means interesting. (by no means ? in no way) 2. Leave much to be desired (=not good) 3. Leave nothing to improved (=terrific) 4. It’s anything but interesting. (it’s angything but = not at all) It’s nothing but interesting. (it’s nothing but = very) 5. It’s nothing short of brilliance. (nothing short of = full of) 6. It’s not in the least brilliance. (not in the least = not at all) 表示好的: fascinating fabulous stimulating catching impressive thought- provoking inspiring 表示不好的: Keep watching the clock. I keep counting the time/minutes. doze off heads or tails of it. I can hardly stay awake/alert. I can hardly keep awake/alert. I can hardly concerntrate. 89.1.C1 选课段 选课规律:先选入门课;再上高级课;不管怎么选,教授先同意。 特色词汇:入门课:intro course basic course prorequisite course 高级?:upper-lever course advanced course 报名上的…课:sign up for register… 上…课:take 旁听:audit 退课:drop/refund… 教授同意:approval permission signature 选修课:optional course 必修课:required course 免选修课:waive one’s requirement 有学分课:credit course 无学分课:non-credit course |