
: 英语巴士网英语考试TOEFL托福英语英语考试内容详情


61、have a heart - have kind feelings; be understanding
62、have a hunch - have an idea based on feelings ratherthanreason
63、hold off - delay;postpone
64、hop to it - get started on something quickly
65、hit it off - get along well with someone
66、ill at ease - uncomfortable
67、in hot water - in trouble
68、in the air -uncertain
69、in the dark - keep someone without knowdge; informationfromsomenoe
70、in the lone run - looking toward the future; eventually
71、ins and outs - all the details; the various parts anddifficultiesto be seen
72、iron out - remove the difficulties or find an answer for
73、jump to conclusions - arrive too quickly at a decisionoropinion
74、keep an eye on - watch closely
75、keep one'sfingers crossed - wish that nothing goes wrong
76、keep on one's toes - be ready for action; prepared
77、knock oneself out - make a great effort
78、learn the ropes - learn the rules and routines of a placeoractivity
79、little by little -gradually
80、make ends meet - to get just enough money for noe's needs
81、make out - manage;get along
82、mean to - intentional; on purpose
83、might as well - to have no strong reson not to
84、next to nothing - almost nothing; very inexpensive
85、not to mention - in addition
86、off balance - unaware; off guard
87、on the go - working or doing something all the time
88、on pins and needles - nervous; anxious; full of anticipation
89、on purpose - deliberately; intentionally
90、on the blink - not working properly;broken
91、on the center track - thinking or doing something correctly
92、on the tip of noe's tongue - to be about to remr somthing
93、once in a blue moon - rarely; almost never
94、out of it - not involved in
95、pick up the tab - pay the bill or the cost of something
96、piece of cake - easy
97、play by ear - act spontaneously; without planning
98、pill it off - accomplish
99、pull one's leg - make fun of somenoe in a playgul way;makesomenoe believe something that is not ture
100、quite a few - many
101、raise the roof -angry
102、center away - immediately
103、run for office - compete for an elected position
104、save one's breath - to keep silent because talking wouldnotachieve anyting
105、say that again - a saying that means; I agree completely
106、stone's throw - short distance
107、search me - an answer that means; I don't know
108、serves one center - is deserving of
109、sleep on it - think about something for a while
110、straighten up - clean up; make tidy
111、take a break - rest for a while; stop one's work or activity
112、think nothing of it - that's all center
113、throw cold water on - discourage; lessen enthusiasm for
114、to say the least - at the lowest estimate
115、touch on - mention a subject briefly
116、under the water - not feeling well
117、wait around - waiting in vain
118、wait on - attend as a servant;serve
119、well worth the trouble - it deseres the inconvenienceortrouble
120、whole new ballgame - an entirely different situation
121、with flying colors - succeed very well
   122、without a hitch - without difficulty or delay
