
: 英语巴士网英语考试职称英语英语考试内容详情


2023-11-24 15:27:12 4

1. I hate his adopting an air of importance when he is talked to.
 A) adapting                B)assuming
   C) effecting                D)breathing

2.Smoking is banned in school.
 A) permitted                B)admitted
   C) forbidden              D)prevented

3. We have made an effort to boost participation in the program.  
 A) attempt                    B)prompt
 C) energy                      D)source

4. He is said to be very prominent in the field of medicine.
 A) grand                       B)outstanding
 C) splendid                   D)brilliant

5. It is in the right for one to do what he likes which doesn’t do any harm to others’ interest.
 A) sensitive                   B) comfortable来源:考试大
 C) relative                    D) reasonable

6. The desk was a chaos of papers and unopened letters.
 A) pile                      B) mess来源:考试大
 C) chain                    D)mass来源:考试大

7. To tell you the truth, I did extract (B级)several passages from the speech when writing my speech.
 A) take out                     B) take off来源:考试大
 C)take on                     D)take up

8. He is deficient (A级)in courage, which is the main reason why he was refused in the first round of job interviews.
 A) sufficient                  B)plenty来源:考试大
 C) efficient                 D)lacking来源:考试大

9. His motive (B级)for working so hard is that he needs money.
 A) impulse (A级)                B)active来源:考试大
 C) motion                       D)nature

10. It is so precious a picture that it is kept in a sealed box.
 A) beautiful                 B)primary
 C) attractive                  D)valuable来源:考试大

11. He often congratulates himself on owning such productive(B级)fields.
 A)  impressive                B)attractive
 C) fertile                       D)collective

12. He doesn’t like the children who are prone (B级)to telling a lie.
 A) reliable                  B)liable来源:考试大
 C) promising (B级)            D)declined

13. I hope you can submit you term papers before the deadline.
 A) hand in                  B)hand out来源:考试大
 C) hand on                 D)hand back

14. The new evidence backed up my argument.
 A) supported                  B)reported
   C) transported           D)suspected
