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2023-11-24 15:27:12 7

1. In public schools, educational guidance programs are organized as a series of services. One serv­ice is academic planning. Counselors assist students with curriculum and individual course selection. Pro­grams also are designed to help students who have academic difficulties.
2. Student appraisal is another counseling function. Standardized tests are administered to assist in appropriate academic placement, to assess academic achievement, to identify individual aptitudes, to ex­plore vocational interests, and to examine personal characteristics. Tests are used also to identify gifted students and those with special learning problems.
3. Other counseling services include career-development programs to foster awareness of career alter­natives, programs in human relations skills, and training in actual job skills, as well as the acquisition and dissemination of related information. Counselors work with teachers, administrators, and families in coordinated efforts to help resolve specific student problems.
4. In colleges and universities, administrative offices such as student affairs, admissions, financial aid, housing, student health, and placement provide guidance services. College counseling centers assist students with academic, vocational, or personal problems.
5. In addition to state certification as educationally qualified personnel within schools, many guid­ance professionals are seeking licensing outside of school settings. Several states in the United States cur­rently license counselors. Increased efforts to license and regulate guidance workers also elicit greater de­mands for professional accountability. Guidance workers are required to develop specific programs with measurable goals and systematic evaluation procedures to demonstrate their effectiveness. Programs have been developed for such special problem areas as abusive families, divorce, and substance abuse, and for specific groups such as minorities and the physically and developmentally disabled. Community-based programs also emphasize prevention and crisis intervention as primary guidance Strategies.
词汇:guidance n. 指导,指引 appraisal n.①鉴定,评价②评估,证明,鉴定书
foster v.培养,助长 disseminate v. 散布;传播
accountability n. 责任
23. Paragraph 1_____________.
24. Paragraph 3_____________.
25. Paragraph 4_____________.
26. Paragraph 5_____________.
A. Offices performing counseling functions
B. Current trends
C. Vocational and other specific problems
D. Academic advice
E. Evaluation of academic achievement
27. College counseling centers assist students with ______________.
28. Tests are used also to identify gifted students and those with_____________.
29. Educational guidance programs are organized as a series of services__________.
30. Programs also are designed to____________.
A. academic, vocational, or personal problems
B. help students who have academic difficulties
C. special learning problems
D. in public schools
E. in human relations skills

23.D 24.C 25.A 26.B 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.B
