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Crashed Cars to Text Message for Help

There is no good place to have a car crash—but some places are worse than others.In a foreign country,for instance,__1__ to explain via cellphone that you are upside down in a ditch when you cannot speak the local language can fatally delay the arrival of the emergency services.
But an answer may be at hand.Researchers funded by the European Commission0 are beginning tests of a system called E-merge that__2__ senses when a car has crashed and sends a text message’telling emergency services。in the 10cal language that the accident has taken place.
The system was __3__ by ERTICO,a transport research organization based in Brussels, Belgium.Cars are fitted with a cellphone-sized device attached__4__the underside of the dashboard which is activated by the same sensor that triggers the airbag in a crash.The device __5__  a cellphone circuit,a GPS positioning unit and a microphone and loudspeaker.
It registers the severity of the crash by__6__the deceleration data from the airbag’s sensor. Using GPS information,it works out which country the Car is in, and from this it determines  __7__ which language to compose an alert message detailing precise location of the accident.
The device then automatically makes a call to the local emergency services __8__.If the car’s occupants are conscious,they can communicate with the operator  __9__ the speaker and microphone.
E-merge also transmits the vehicles make,model, color and license number, and its heading’ when it crashed,which in rum indicates 0n which side of a multi-1ane highway it ended up.
This __10__ the emergency services find the vehicle as soon as they arrive on the scene.“We can waste a large __11__ time searching for an incident,”says Jim Hammond,a(an) __12__ in vehicle technology at the Association of Chief Police Officers in the UK.Tests will begin soon with police car fleets in the UK.Trials have already started in Germany, Sweden,Spain,the Netherlands and Italy.
In-car systems…that summon the emergency services after a crash have  __1 3__  been fitted in some premium cars“.ERTICO says that __14__  EU state“are willing to fund the necessary infrastructure,E-merge could be working by 2008.
A study by French car maker Renault”concluded that the system could save up to  6000 of  the 40,000 lives lost each year on Europe’s roads,and prevent a similar number of serious injuries.
The Renault study estimates that fitting E.merge to every car in Europe would eventually save around 1 50 billion per__15__in terms of reduced costs to health services and insurance companies, and fewer lost working days.
Cellphone n.移动电话,手机
Underside n.下侧;底面来源:考试大
sensor n.传感器;敏感元件来源:考试大
airbag n.(安全)气囊
severity n.严重(性)来源:考试大
deceleration n.减速来源:考试大
occupant n.占有人,占用者


1. A)try            B) tried        C) trying       D) having tried
2. A)automatically                  B) accidentally来源:考试大
   C) tremendously                  D) usually
3. A)changed        B) located      C) developed    D) copied
4. A)by             B) up           C) about        D) to
5. A)forms                          B) is consisted of来源:考试大
   C) composed of               D) includes
6. A)read           B) reading      C) reads        D) being read
7. A)on             B) in           C) of           D) at
8. A) car maker     B) policeman    C) doctor       D) operator
9. A) via           B) near         C) by           D) besides
10.A) assists       B) causes       C) makes        D) helps
11. A) number of    B) deal of      C) amount of    D) volume of
12. A) writer       B) reporter     C) expert       D) leader
13. A)already       B) long ago     C) long before  D) shortly
14. A)although      B) nevertheless C) however      D) if
15. A)city          B) year         C) person       D) country
