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52. China's Roadmap .

1. China is about to adopt its 11th five-year plan, setting the stage for the continuation of probably the most remarkable economic transformation in history. while improving the well-being of almost a quarter of the world's population. Never before has the world seen such sustained growth; never before has there been so much poverty reduction.
2. Part of the key to China's long-run success has been its almost unique combination of pragmatism and vision. While much of the rest of' the developing world, following the Washington Consensus, has been directed at a quixotic quest for higher GDP, China has once again made clear that it seeks sustainable and more equitable increases in real living standards.
3. China realizes that it has entered a phase of economic growth that is imposing enormous—and unsustainable—demands on the environment. Unless there is a change in course, living standards will eventually be compromised. That is why the new five-year plan places great emphasis on the environment.
3、 中国意识到其经济发展已进入了给环境造成沉重负担的阶段,这个负担甚至让发展难以为继。除非改变做法,否则将最终危及人民生活水平的提高。这也是新的五年规划把环境问题当作重中之重的原因所在。
4. Even many of the more backward parts of China have been growing at a pace that would be a marvel, were it not for the fact that other parts of the country are growing even more rapidly. While this has reduced poverty, inequality has been increasing, with growing disparities between cities and rural areas, and between coastal regions and the interior.
5. This year's World Bank World Development Report explains why inequality, not just poverty, should be a concern, and China's 11th five-year plan attacks the problem head-on. The government has for several years talked about a more harmonious society, and the plan describes ambitious programs for achieving this.
6. China recognizes, too, that what separates less developed from more developed countries is not only a gap in resources, but also a gap in knowledge. So it has laid out bold plans not only to reduce that gap, but to create a basis for independent innovation.
7. China's role in the world and the world's economy has changed, and the plan reflects this, too. Its future growth will have to be based more on domestic demand than on exports, which will require increases in consumption. Indeed, China has a rare problem: excessive savings. People save partly because of weaknesses in government social-insurance programs; strengthening social security (pensions) and public health and education will simultaneously reduce social inequalities, increase citizens' sense of well-being, and promote current consumption.
8. If successful—and, so far, China has almost always surpassed even its own high expectations—these adjustments may impose enormous strains on a global economic system that is already unbalanced by the US' huge fiscal and trade deficits. If China saves less—and if, as officials have announced, it pursues a more diversified policy of investing its reserves—who will finance the US trade deficit of more than US$2 billion a day? This is a topic for another day, but that day may not be far off.
