
  • 针对当前教育领域存在的一些违背规律、影响正常教育教学秩序问题,教育部要求切实减轻学生过重的课业负担,坚决纠正各种随意侵占学生休息时间、加深课程难度、增减课程和课时等做法。请看《中国日报》的报道:The principle of striving to develop students' al...

  • 朝鲜25日实施一次地下核试验。这是朝鲜第二次实施此类试验。朝鲜中央通讯社报道,试验取得成功”,核爆炸威力比前一次更大”,试验目的是增强朝鲜自卫核威慑能力。在此次核试验完成之后,朝鲜又在当天和次日分两次试射了三枚短程导弹。朝鲜的这一系列行为引起了国际社会的普遍关注。请看《中国日...

  • 5月29日,广东省确诊第三例输入性甲型H1N1流感病例。中午12时,广东省卫生厅公告称该病例的一名密切接触者被确诊感染甲型H1N1流感,该病例是中国内地首次出现的二代病例。请看《中国日报》的报道:First domestic flu case confirmed--The A(H1N1) flu v...

  • 飚车 drag racing


    杭州市公安局宣布,杭州5•7”交通肇事案,公安机关侦查已经终结,胡斌以涉嫌交通肇事罪被移送杭州市人民检察院审查起诉。受害者家属与肇事方已经达成协议,受害者父母获赔113万元。请看新华社的报道:Parents of the dead pedestrian in east Chin...

  • Pop stars have traditionally not come from the upper classesof society. Eminem grew up on atrailer park. 50 Cent is from the dangerousghettoesof New Y...

  • UKonline gamersareon red alertas they prepare for the arrival of theCyberathleteProfessional League World Tour.The tour, which takes in nine countries...

  • Harry Potter has been a globalpublishing phenomenonAll around the world millions of people are eagerly waiting for the 16th of July. That’s beca...

  • Musicdownloadshave increased dramatically in the UKDo you like music? Of course you do. Are you still going to the record shop to buy your records? If...

  • One of the many theatres in London's West EndFor many people thehighlightof a visit to London is the chance to see a West End show.The West End of...

  • After a hard-fought campaign, London has been awarded the rightto hostthe 2012 Olympic Games. The UK capitalsaw offcompetition from four rival cities:...

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