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Dog(狗):常指人,好人坏人都可以;bitch(母狗),则指泼妇。 You are a lucky dog. 你真是个幸运儿。My boss is a jolly dog. 我的老板是个风趣的家伙。Every dog has his day. 凡人都有得意时。David works like a dog. David工作真卖劲儿。The film must be a real dog. 这部电影一定很糟糕。Your partner is a dirty dog. 你的合伙人是个卑鄙小人。The poet died like a dog. 这位诗人潦倒而死。They treated him like a dog. 他们把他看得粪土不如。You can't teach an old dog new tricks. 老人难改变。He is really a dead dog. 他是个没用的东西。Don't talk to me like that,you bitch!你这泼妇,别跟我这样说话。(慎用)There is no point in having a dog-eat-dog attitude.情景对话A:We are just making a living here and I thind there is no point in having a dog-eat-dog attitude.B:You are absolutely right.We should be more cooperative.A:我们都是在这里谋生,我想采取相互攻击的态度是没有意义的。B:你是对的,我们应该精诚合作。在英语中,由动物构成的英语短语诙谐幽默、秒趣横生并且寓意深刻。有时在口语中用上几句,会令人有耳目一新的感觉。但使用时要注意东西方文化中动物的比喻和象征的差异,以免造成误解。
