以己度人”,汉语成语,意思是:拿自己的心思来衡量或揣度别人,用自己的心思去猜度别人,包含贬义。可以翻译为judge others against one’s own value”,或用习语 measure other people's corn by on...
when in Rome, do as the Romans do 入乡随俗
2023-12-07入乡随俗”,汉语成语,是指到一个地方,就顺从当地的习俗(conform to local customs/practices),与英文习语when in Rome, do as the Romans do”意思相同。例句:我去伦敦总要带一把雨伞,入乡随俗嘛。I always ...
stand in awe 望而却步
2024-05-01望而却步”,汉语成语,指远远望见了就吓得直后退,不敢前行(shrink back at the sight of [something dangerous or difficult]),可以翻译为stand in awe”。例句:这么高的服务费可能使咨询者望而却步。The h...
sit by and watch 作壁上观
2023-12-07作壁上观”,汉语成语,原指双方交战,自己站在壁垒上旁观(watch the fighting from the ramparts)。后多比喻站在一旁看着,不动手帮助,可以翻译为sit by and watch,be an onlooker/by-stander”。例句:他们吵...
remain fresh in one's memory 记忆犹新
2023-12-07记忆犹新”,汉语成语,意思是过去的事,至今印象还非常清楚,就像刚才发生的一样,比喻记忆深刻。可以翻译为remain fresh in one's memory,still vivid in one's memory”。例句:那次聚会在他脑海中记忆犹新。The ...
give oneself up as hopeless 自暴自弃
2023-12-07自暴自弃,汉语成语,意思是自己甘心落后,不求上进”,暴”表示糟蹋、损害(waste; ruin)”。可以翻译为give oneself up as hopeless,have no urge to make progress或abandon oneself to ...
插翅难飞,汉语成语,意思是插上翅膀也难飞走(cannot escape even with wings)。比喻陷入困境,怎么也逃不了。可以翻译为be completely surrounded and impossible to escape”。例句:监狱戒备森严,犯人插翅难飞。The ...
forget all about eating and sleeping 废寝忘食
2023-12-07废寝忘食”,汉语成语,字面意思是顾不得睡觉,忘记了吃饭。形容非常勤奋专心。可以翻译为(be so absorbed and occupied as to)forget all about eating and sleeping或skip one’s meals and sle...
one swallow doesn't make a summer 孤燕不成夏
2023-12-07One swallow doesn't make a summer” 是一句英文谚语,字面意思是 一只燕子飞来了,并不代表夏天已经来临”。我们用这句谚语来谈论一件好事,并提醒他人 只因一件好事发生了,并不意味着整个局面会有所改善”,可以理解为 不要高兴得太...
unnecessary worry 杞人忧天
2023-12-07杞人忧天”,汉语成语,字面意思是like the man of Qi who feared that the sky might fall ”,表示总是去忧虑那些不切实际的事物。可以翻译为unnecessary worry/anxiety,entertain imaginar...