2024-08-05hack-a-Shaq 砍鲨战术。砍鲨战术”由小牛队前主教练老尼尔森发明,即采用犯规战术对付奥尼尔,减少鲨鱼”投篮命中的机会。由于罚球是奥尼尔的死穴”,所以砍鲨”后,他虽然获得了罚球的机会,但是命中的可能性非常小。本次总决赛前5场,奥尼尔44罚13中,...
网球应用词汇 G-S Terms
2024-08-05~ g ~ Grand Slam:(1) One of four major tournaments played once a year - Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, U.S. Open, 世界四大锦标赛之一: 澳洲公开赛,法国公开赛,Wim...
2024-08-05The Detroit Pistons' 79-61 victory against the Cleveland Cavaliers was the first of three Game 7's that will be played within 31 hours. This i...
网球词汇前奏曲 A-F Term
2024-08-05~ a ~ ace:(1) Service winner; (2) a really good tennis player 一流球手 ad here: See "ad in" 同ad in ad in: Server's advantage, break point 发球...
2024-08-05It's a fitful year. The Heat sleepwalk through some games, look like world-beaters in others and seem to be biding their time until the playoffs.对...
2024-08-05Saxboard 防浪板 Scull 双桨 Sculling 双桨的 Sheath 船套 Shell 船身 Single Scull 单人艇 Sink 下沉 Skiff 单人艇, 轻型游艇 Slide 滑轨 Slide Runner 滑轨 Sliding Seat 滑座 Starboard 右舷 S...
2024-08-05"We got impatient on offense and that played into their hands. In the first half they picked us apart." Kings coach Rick Adelman said.我们在进攻上...
2024-08-05The Heat's Shaquille O'Neal was outscored and outrebounded in Game 2 by Erick Dampier——the first time that happened in 25 head-to-...
现代五项:pentathlon 词汇
2024-08-05现代五项运动:morden pentathlon早期五项全能:铁饼 discus 标枪 javelin 跳高 jumping 跑步 running 摔跤 wrestlin现代五项全能:射击 pistol shooting 击剑 epee fencing 游泳 swimming 马术 riding (...
2024-08-05西南赛区:圣安东尼奥马刺(San Antonio Spurs):NBA的创始球队之一,最早时球队大本营在达拉斯,队名为达拉斯橡木队”,1970年更名为得克萨斯橡木队”,1973年移师圣安东尼奥后改名为马刺队”。马刺”是骑马者钉在鞋后跟上的一种铁制的刺马...