Metal Terminology (M)金属术语M
2024-05-21M B GRADEA term applied to Open-Hearth steel wire in the .45/75 carbon range either hard drawn or oil tempered. Oil tempered wire of M B and W M B typ...
Metal Terminology (I-L)金属术语I-L
2023-12-06Metal Terminology IIMPACT TESTTest designed to determine, the resistance of metal to breakage by impact, usually by concentrating the applied stress t...
Metal Terminology (G-H)金属术语G-H
2023-12-06Metal Terminology (G)金属术语GGAGES(Metal) - Mfrs. standard numbering systems indicating decimal thickness or diameters.GALLINGThe damaging of one or both...
Metal Terminology (F)金属术语F
2023-12-06FACE CENTERED(Concerning cubic space lattices) - Having equivalent points at the corners of the unit cell and at the centers of its six faces. A face-...
Metal Terminology (D-E)金属术语D-E
2023-12-06Metal Terminology DDEAD FLATPerfectly flat. As pertaining to sheet, strip or plate. (See Stretcher Leveling)DEAD SOFT ANNEALINGHeating metal to above ...
Metal Terminology (C)金属术语C
2023-12-06CAKEA copper ingot rectangular in cross section intended for rolling.CAMBER OR BOWEdgewise curvature. A lateral departure of a side edge of sheet or s...
Metal Terminology (B)金属术语B
2024-02-07BAINITEA slender, needle-like (acicular) microstructure appearing in spring steel strip characterized by toughness and greater ductility than tempered...
Metal Terminology (A)金属术语A
2023-12-06ACCORDION REED STEELHardened, tempered, polished and blued or yellow flat steel with dressed edges. Carbon content about 1.00%. Material has to posses...
2024-05-21Drilling machines bench 钻床工作台 Drilling machines,high-speed 高速钻床 Drilling machines,multi-spindle 多轴钻床 Drilling machines,radial 摇臂钻床 Drilling machine...
2023-12-06Normteile标准件 Gewinde, Schrauben, Muttern螺纹、螺栓、螺母 Gewinde螺纹 Schrauben螺栓 Gewindeauslufe螺纹收尾、肩距 Gewindefreistiche螺纹退刀槽 Senkungen锪孔、沉孔 Mutter螺母 Scheibe档圈 ...