英语频道小编Deborah整理了英语单词healthfully的学习资料,关于healthfully是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括healthfully的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,healthfully的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词healthfully相关的信息。 healthfully美['helθflɪ]adv.有益健康地网络有益健康地;健康地;有益于健康地;健康的方向 双语例句 1 . The key to expressing anger healthfully is to do it assertively; not aggressively or passively. 健康表达愤怒的方式是带 主见 而不是带攻击性或被动地表达. 2 . Is steering people toward affordable, nutritious foods enough to get everyone eating healthfully ? 是否指导人们食用负担得起, 富有营养的食物足够引导每个人的健康饮食? 网络释义 -healthfully1 . 有益健康地 healthful 有益健康的healthfully有益健康地healthily 健康地 2 . 健康地 healthful 健康的, healthfully健康地, healthful 自由基 3 . 有益于健康地 Chinese - English Free Di... ... 有益于 = benefiting 有益于健康地 = healthfully有益于的 = benefited. 4 . 健康的方向 in order to develop township enterprises steadily , coordinately and healthfully, it is very important to rationally determine their ownership and industrial structure .为使乡镇企业朝持续、稳定、协调和健康的方向发展,确定合理的所有制结构和产业结构是至关重要的。 相关词条+eating more healthfully1 . 健康的食谱来 you can control your weight by exercising regularly and eating more healthfully .你可以通过经常锻炼与健康的食谱来控制体重。 |