英语频道小编Alva整理了英语单词foliated的学习资料,关于foliated是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括foliated的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,foliated的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词foliated相关的信息。 foliated美['foʊlɪˌeɪtɪd]v.有叶的,覆有叶的( foliate的过去式和过去分词 )网络叶片状的;片理化;页片状;叶理状 双语例句 1 . An arch that is foliated in the Gothic style. 那是有叶形饰物之拱门. 2 . I think the foliated rocks within the belt are mostly mylonite. 我认为在这个片理化带中的大多数岩石都是糜棱岩. 3 . The tree foliated in spring. 这种树在春天长出叶子. 4 . Let us go back to boundary of granite and foliated granite and observe their contact relation. 我们再转回到花岗岩与片理花岗岩的接触处,去观察一下二者之间的接触关系. 5 . I think foliation is resulted from deformation. The original composition of the foliated rock is granite. 我认为岩石中的这些片理是由于岩石变形造成的, 片理化岩石的原岩就是花岗岩. 英英释义网络释义noun1.ornamented with foliage or foils; foliate tracery 2.(especially of metamorphic rock) having thin leaflike layers or strata -foliated1 . 叶片状的 foliatedstruature 叶片状构造foliated叶片状的foliation structure 叶理构造 2 . 片理化 there are some small scale folds in the foliatedrock . their fold axial planes are parallel to the foliation and on the surface of folded foliation , the stretching lineation is parallel to the fold hinges .在这些片理化岩石中有一些小型褶皱,这些小型褶皱的轴面平行片理面,在被褶皱了的片理面上有着平行褶 3 . 页片状 土壤学词汇英语翻译(3) ... 要素 Essential element 页片状 Foliated 叶部分析 Foliar analysis (同Leaf analysis). 4 . 叶理状 叶理状(Foliated), 叶理状是岩石中的矿物因为主要受到压力的作用而转变为平行排列,尤以片状矿物最为明显,故形成层状的岩理(即叶理(Foliatio. 相关词条+foliated coal1 . 层状煤 foliate 叶理状的foliated coal 层状煤foliated structure 叶片状构造 +foliated manifold1 . 叶状廖 folding 卷积foliated manifold 叶状廖foliation 叶状结构 +foliated structure1 . 叶片状构造 foliated coal 层状煤foliated structure 叶片状构造foliation 剥理 +bedding foliation1 . 顺层面理 bedding fissility 层面裂开性bedding foliation 顺层面理bedding joint 层状节理 |