英语频道小编Beverlyn整理了英语单词entire的学习资料,关于entire是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括entire的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,entire的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词entire相关的信息。 entire英[ɪnˈtaɪə(r)]美[ɛnˈtaɪr]adj.全部的;整个的;全体的;囫囵网络整个;全缘;全部的;整 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . If the Commission has its way, the entire deal will be scuppered. 如果委员会我行我素的话,整个交易将化为泡影。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . In his long career at BP, Horton turned around two entire divisions. 霍顿在英国石油公司漫长的职业生涯中曾经让两个部门整体上起死回生。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . They feared that totalitarians might yet conquer the entire world. 他们担心极权主义者会征服整个世界。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . Soon the entire armed forces were in open revolt. 很快,整个武装部队开始公然抗命。 来自柯林斯例句 5 . An entire poor section of town was bombed into oblivion. 城市的一整片贫民区被炸为了平地。 来自柯林斯例句 同义词adj.1.全部的,完全的”释义下的同义词 extensive complete whole unabridged total all integral aggregate full plenary 2.整个的,全体的”释义下的同义词 teetotal complete gross utter thorough thoroughgoing 3.纯粹的,”释义下的同义词 unalloyed undamaged uninjured unmixed unscathed unimpaired unmitigated uncut unmingled pure unharmed intact undivided 反义词adj.1.全部的;完全的”释义下的同义词 partial 语源late Middle English (formerly also as intire): from Old French entier, based on Latin integeruntouched, whole, from in-not + tangereto touch英英释义行业释义网络释义noun1.uncastrated adult male horse 2.constituting the full quantity or extent; complete; an entire town devastated by an earthquake 3.constituting the undiminished entirety; lacking nothing essential especially not damaged; a local motion keepeth bodies integral- Bacon 4.(of leaves or petals) having a smooth edge; not broken up into teeth or lobes 5.(used of domestic animals) sexually competent; an entire horse 医学1.边缘光滑的:指菌落平整、光滑,无隆起或缺凹 -entire1 . 整个 EDI electronic data interchange 电子数据交换entireadj. 全部的, 完整的, 整个ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 2 . 全缘 ...形状有渐尖,急尖,钝形,心形,截形等,与叶尖的形状相似,只是在叶基部分出现。此外,还有耳形,箭形,戟形,匙形,偏斜形等,叶缘的形状有全缘(entire),波状(undulate),皱缩状(crisped),齿状,缺刻。[1]2用途全草入药。参考资料1.叶形.医学百科. 3 . 全部的 牵涉entire全部的entice引诱 4 . 整 Taiwan ' s high - quality couture emphasizes the entireensemble ., 台湾的高级服装非常注重整体性搭配. 相关词条+margin entire1 . 边缘全缘 Leaves opposite , often unequal , petiolate , margin entire or sinuate ., 叶对生 , 通常不等长 , 边缘全缘或具深波状的. +entire world1 . 整个世界 the entire world freezes and dies ., 整个世界因此而冻死. +entire function1 . 整函数 ...条件,它表示函数无穷可微并可以用它的泰勒级数描述、解析函数(analytic function)一词经常可以和"全纯函数"互相交换使用,虽然前者有几个其他含义、一个在整个复平面上全纯的函数称为整函数(entire function)、"在一点a全纯"不仅表示在a可微,而且表示在某个中心为a的复平面的开邻域可微、双全纯(Biholomorphic)表示一个有全纯逆函数的全纯函数、目录1定. +entire process1 . 全过程 highway engineering entire process construction cost management pattern research ., 公路工程全过程造价管理模式研究. |