英语频道小编Alina整理了英语单词ease的学习资料,关于ease是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括ease的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,ease的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词ease相关的信息。 ease英[i:z]美[iz]n.轻松,舒适;容易;安逸;不拘束,自在vt.解除痛苦;减轻;延缓;松弛 vi.缓解,减少;轻松前进 网络减轻;安逸;缓和;轻松地 词形变化: 复数:eases 复数:eased 复数:eased 复数:easing 复数:eases 派生词:easer 双语例句词组习语同反义词更多资料 1 . They agreed to work co-operatively to ease tensions wherever possible. 他们同意互相配合尽一切努力缓解紧张局势。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . Breathe out and ease your knees in toward your chest. 呼气,膝部放松向胸部靠拢。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . They sprawl at ease across the sofa, arms draped over the back. 他们惬意地躺在沙发上,胳膊搭在后面。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . He gently opened the throttle, and the ship began to ease forward. 他轻轻松开油门杆,轮船开始缓缓前行。 来自柯林斯例句 5 . He fell asleep just past midnight with tolerable ease . 他刚过午夜就睡着了,睡得还算安稳。 来自柯林斯例句 常用词典at (one's) ease 1 . 安适;不窘迫,不拘束;放松,自然 ease someone's mind 2 . 安慰,宽慰某人 习惯用语at ease 1 . 舒适:放松的姿势,尤指右脚不动安静地站着休息 同义词vt.1.使...放松”释义下的同义词 loosen reduce relax lighten relieve comfort soothe allay 2.帮助;使缓和”释义下的同义词 facilitate aid help 反义词n.1.舒适;轻松;悠闲;容易”释义下的同义词 care uneasiness difficulty anxiety 语源Middle English: from Old French aise, based on Latin adjacenslying close by, present participle of adjacere. The verb is originally from Old French aisier, from the phrase a aiseat ease; in later use from the noun英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 noun1.freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort; he rose through the ranks with apparent ease 2.a freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state; a life of luxury and ease 3.the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress); he enjoyed his relief from responsibility 4.freedom from constraint or embarrassment; I am never at ease with strangers 5.freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility); took his repose by the swimming pool vern1.move gently or carefully; He eased himself into the chair 2.lessen pain or discomfort; alleviate; ease the pain in your legs 3.make easier; you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge 4.lessen the intensity of or calm; The news eased my conscience 体育1.动作自如 -ease1 . 减轻 ... out or reach)(考) 反义词: alleviate(减轻); assuage(缓和); ease(减轻); relieve(解除)(记) 来自希腊神话人物Tan talus, 因泄露天机被罚立在近下巴深. 2 . 安逸 ...盾的,因为在主体作出宣告的时刻,他就已经处在时尚之外了。因此,时尚中的存在,如同时代性一般,使某种“安逸(ease)”,某种异相的(out-of-phase)或过时的(out-of-day)存在的特定品质成为必要,在. 3 . 缓和 earnings tax 所得税;入息税ease放缓;缓和;轻微下跌easeback 回软 4 . 轻松地 Ballpoint needles permit easein stitching knits ., 圆头针可以轻松地缝制编织品. 相关词条+At ease1 . 休息 ease ,中国百科网... 舒适:放松的姿势,尤指右脚不动安静地站着休息: put the soldiers at ease while waiting for inspection. 等待检阅时让士兵们稍息 (2) Us. +quantitative easing1 . 定量宽松 所谓定量宽松(Quantitative Easing),是由日本初步提出的1个观点,是在经济朝气蓬勃、银行信贷急剧萎缩的后台下,日本央行对从二001年三月开始的零利率(银行隔绝间隔夜. 2 . 量化宽松政策 货币问题若隐若现,根本还在于 “量化宽松政策”(quantitative easing):也就是印刷钞票。目前的现实是,政府是在向英国央行而非市场借钱。 +ease be at ease1 . 感到自在 ease be at ease with sb ., 与某人一起感到自在. +Quantitative easing1 . 量化宽松 ...量化宽松(Quantitative easing,简称QE)是一种货币政策,由中央银行通过公开市场操作以提高货币供应,可视之为「无中生有」货币扩张|创造出指定金额的货币,也被简化地形容为间接增印钞票。其操作是中央银行通过公开市场操作购入证券等,使银行在央行开设的. 1.He started easing on down the road. 他准备动身上路 |