英语频道小编Bella整理了英语单词ducted的学习资料,关于ducted是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括ducted的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,ducted的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词ducted相关的信息。 ducted美[dʌktɪd]管道中的网络涵道;应用于导管;管道中的;函道 双语例句 1 . At first, the thermodynamic calculation of Solid Ducted Rocket is researched. 在此基础上,首先对固体冲压发动机热力计算展开了研究分析. 2 . Sound cover allowsa ducted cooling air outlet, from side only or from both front and back. 隔音罩引导冷却空气从一侧或两侧及背面排出. 3 . So, how studies can accurately prediction to the ducted propeller hydrodynamic performance is more important. 所以, 研究如何能更准确地预报导管螺旋桨水动力性能非常重要. 4 . EC - 135 Eurocopter helicopters combined with the low noise ducted propeller end of patented technology. EC-135直升飞机结合欧洲直升机公司的低噪音涵道尾螺旋浆专利技术. 5 . In 1943 field tests of the extract were being ducted, despite the order to halt them. 在1943年,实地提取实验仍在继续进行, 尽管有命令让他们停止. 网络释义 -ducted1 . 涵道 a special method of optimum design for ductedpropeller ., 一种涵道螺旋桨优化设计新方法研究. 2 . 应用于导管 the numerical results obtained by present method show that the proposed method is effective for predicting the steady / unsteady performance of ductedpropeller .算例计算结果表明,本方法可以有效地应用于导管桨的定常及非定常性能的预估。 3 . 管道中的 duct-carcinomaofsalivarygland涎腺管癌ducted管道中的ductedbody中空体 4 . 函道 ducted- fan engine ., 函道风扇发动机. 相关词条+duct tape1 . 牛皮胶布 中文:牛皮胶布;英语:Duct tape;日语:ダクトテープ;法语:Duct tape; +hypophysial duct craniopharyngeal duct1 . 垂体管 ... hypophysial. 结果:26例为颅骨嗜酸性肉芽肿,2例为原发于下丘脑垂体柄的嗜酸性肉芽肿。4. hypophysial duct craniopharyngeal duct 垂体管5. Arteria hypophysialis inferior hypophysial arte. +duct duct1 . 管道来 one such scenario where cable diameter is of primary consideration is duct duct space is leased to the user .当电信运营商靠租用管道来敷设光缆时,光缆直径就成为他们要考虑的主要的因素。 +pancreatic duct , Wirsung's duct1 . 胰管 胰腺 pancreas胰管pancreatic duct , Wirsung's duct副胰管Santorini duct |