英语频道小编cathy整理了英语单词dephosphorization的学习资料,关于dephosphorization是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括dephosphorization的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,dephosphorization的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词dephosphorization相关的信息。 dephosphorization美[di:fɒsfəraɪ'zeɪʃən]n.除磷,去磷网络脱磷;除磷;去磷;去磷作用 双语例句 1 . Effect of basicity of electrode coating on desulphidation and dephosphorization is studied. 通过试验研究了焊条药皮碱度对熔敷金属脱硫脱磷行为的影响. 来自互联网 2 . This research is of directive importance for dephosphorization pretreatment hot metal with duplex converter in production. 该项研究对工业生产中,采用转炉双联法铁水脱磷预处理有一定的指导作用. 来自互联网 3 . The experiments of dephosphorization of hot metal by using converter slagflux were performed in the scale. 研究了转炉渣剂的组成及相关工艺因素对铁水脱磷率的影响. 来自互联网 4 . The key factor of dephosphorization & denitrification is to control the inverse sludge system. 该工艺中对污泥回流系统的控制是除 磷 脱氮最关键的因素. 来自互联网 5 . This paper analyzes mainfactors that influence the dephosphorization of medium - high carbon steels in con - verter steelmaking process. 分析了转炉冶炼中 高碳钢 条件下影响脱磷的主要因素. 来自互联网 行业释义网络释义 冶金学1.脱磷 -dephosphorization1 . 脱磷 4.4 水化 hydration 亦称“脱磷”(dephosphorization)。“脱胶”(degumming)。把一定数量的水或稀盐、稀碱等电解质溶液在搅拌下加入热油中,促使油. 2 . 除磷 dephlogistication 减轻发炎dephosphorization除磷dephosphorize 除磷 3 . 去磷 部分模型 department pattern去磷 dephosphorization出清(熔炉) depletion 4 . 去磷作用 dephlegmator 分馏塔dephosphorization去磷作用depict 描写 相关词条+torpedo dephosphorization1 . 鱼雷车铁水脱磷 torpedo car鱼雷车torpedo dephosphorization鱼雷车铁水脱磷transport phenomena传输现象 +biological dephosphorization1 . 生物除磷 discuss of biological dephosphorization technology in waste water ., 废水生物除磷技术探讨. +ladle dephosphorization1 . 桶内脱磷 ladle degassing 桶中脱气ladle dephosphorization 桶内脱磷ladle desulfurisation 铁水包内脱硫 +dephosphorizing capacity1 . 脱磷能力 dephosphorization 脱磷dephosphorizing capacity 脱磷能力depiler 分料机 |