英语频道小编bess整理了英语单词cystic的学习资料,关于cystic是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括cystic的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,cystic的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词cystic相关的信息。 cystic英['sɪstɪk]美['sɪstɪk]adj.胞囊的,膀胱的,胆囊的网络囊性;胞囊的;囊肿性;胆囊 双语例句更多资料 1 . Cystic fibrosis is the commonest fatal here-ditary disease. 囊性纤维化是最常见的致命遗传疾病。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease in the United States. 囊性纤维化是美国最常见的致命遗传疾病。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . Collins wants to avoid repetition of the confusion that followed the discovery in 1989 of the cystic fibrosis gene. 科林斯想要避免1989年发现囊肿性纤维化致病基因后的那种混乱局面再次出现。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . Gall - blader disease and cystic fibrosis also often involve me. 胆囊疾病和胰腺囊性纤维性变也常常纠缠我. 来自辞典例句 5 . The tie on the cystic duct may slip off. 在胆囊管上的结扎可能滑脱. 来自辞典例句 语源mid 17th cent. (originally referring to the gall bladder): from French cystiqueor modern Latin cysticus, from late Latin cystis(see cyst)行业释义网络释义 医学1.①囊的 2.②膀胱的 3.③胆囊的 -cystic1 . 囊性 The diagnosis and surgrical therapy of cysticacoustic neuroma ., 囊性听神经瘤的诊断与治疗. 2 . 胞囊的 cysti- 表示“囊cystic胞囊的cysticerci 囊状虫 3 . 囊肿性 cysts and cysticdisease of the kidney ., 肾囊肿及囊肿性疾病. 4 . 胆囊 How does cysticpolyp do ? Need a surgery ?, 胆囊息肉怎么办 ? 需要手术吗? 相关词条+cystic fibrosis1 . 囊性纤维化 ...er壶腹癌)等对肝外胆道的压迫,引起狭窄及闭锁。在儿童患者多因肝外胆道先天闭锁,其次是总胆管的囊肿、囊性纤维化(cystic fibrosis)等。胆道系统完全闭塞6个月以上即可引起此型肝硬变。 +cystic follicle1 . 囊状卵泡 cystic duct 胆囊管cystic follicle 囊状卵泡cysticercoid 拟囊尾虫 +cystic carcinoma1 . 囊性癌 Unlike squamous cell carcinoma , adenoid cystic carcinoma appears to be unrelated to smoking ., 与鳞状细胞癌 , 腺样囊性癌似乎是无关的吸烟. +cystic duct1 . 胆囊管 ...的左叶发出一条肝管(hepatic duct),直接进入十二指肠,右叶的肝管局部地膨大成为一个胆囊,再由它发出胆囊管(cystic duct)通入十二指肠。胆囊既是一个贮存胆汁的器官,又是一个浓缩胆汁的器官。鸡、鸭等大多数鸟类都有胆囊,但鸽无. |