英语频道小编erika整理了英语单词chummy的学习资料,关于chummy是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括chummy的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,chummy的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词chummy相关的信息。 chummy英[ˈtʃʌmi]美['tʃʌmɪ]adj.非常友好的网络亲密的;如密友的;亲切的;发表在 词形变化: 比较级:chummier 比较级:chummiest 双语例句 1 . Following the performances there were chummy gatherings in the drawing room. 表演过后会在客厅举行气氛融洽的聚会。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . Yet the eco - friendly fuel is beginning to look less chummy of late. 然而环境友好型燃料最近似乎不那么友好了. 来自互联网 3 . On the campaign trail, he is approachable, chummy and eloquent. 在竞选活动中, 他随和、友好、雄辩. 来自互联网 4 . Try the Dirty Duck for a chummy, cozy pub lunch. 在酒吧亲切舒适的气氛中,享用熏鸭当午餐吧. 来自互联网 5 . The bartender was chummy with the regular customers. 这个酒吧跟老顾客的关系很好. 来自互联网 英英释义网络释义noun1.(used colloquially) having the relationship of friends or pals 2.(used informally) associated on close terms; a close friend -chummy1 . 亲密的 chummery 同房间chummy亲密的chump 大木片 2 . 如密友的 ...词源: chamber(M.E), 来自 kamara(G.), vault 苍穹, 拱形圆屋顶chummya. 如密友的, 亲切的change 3 . 亲切的 ...词源: chamber(M.E), 来自 kamara(G.), vault 苍穹, 拱形圆屋顶chummya. 如密友的, 亲切的change 4 . 发表在 Posts Tagged ‘图标’ ... mickey 发表在《 龙之纪元起源(Dragon Age Origins)玩后一点小感想》 chummy发表在《 南京三日~》 Alphonso's Detail | Blog 三俗星人. 相关词条+also chummy1 . 还热乎着呢 this passes makes to be also chummy !, 这通过令还热乎着呢! +chummy body1 . 折座敞车 chummy body 折座敞车chummy的例句: In the big house next door to the Marches lived a rich old gentleman, Mr. Laurence, and his grandson, a jolly. +we are chummy1 . 我们合得来 That reason which we are chummy ., 那就是我们合得来的原因. |