英语频道小编julie整理了英语单词chide的学习资料,关于chide是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括chide的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,chide的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词chide相关的信息。 chide英[tʃaɪd]美[tʃaɪd]vt.责骂,斥责;责备v.呵叱,责骂;责备;(风,猎犬等)怒号,咆哮 网络责备;斥责;责骂;指摘 词形变化: 过去式:chided 过去式:chid 过去式:chiding 过去式:chides 派生词:chider chidingly 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . He thereupon privately chide his wife for her forwardness in the matter. 于是他私下责备他的妻子,因为她对这种事热心. 来自辞典例句 2 . Have we got any business to chide it? 我们有何理由责备它 呢 ? 来自辞典例句 3 . He will not always chide ; neither will he keep his anger for ever. 他不长久责备, 也不永远怀怒. 来自辞典例句 4 . I will chide no breather in the world but myself, against whom I know most faults. 我不怨世上任何人,只怨我自己, 因为我知道我自己的毛病最多. 来自辞典例句 5 . Emilia . Do not you chide ; I have a thing for you. 爱米利娅 不要骂; 我有一件好东西给你. 来自互联网 同义词vt.1.责骂;咆哮”释义下的同义词 lecture reprimand scold blame reproach 语源Old English cīdan, of unknown origin网络释义 -chide1 . 责备 1. grace 恩赐,仁慈,感化,感思祷告2. chide责备3. sentiment 情感 2 . 斥责 chef(大厨)chide(责骂,斥责)chill (寒冷的,adj) 3 . 责骂 八戒杀牛取rawhide(生牛皮)遭到了唐僧chide(责骂)以hide结尾: 4 . 指摘 我爱背单词光盘版背单词工具雅思背单词17天背单词 ... caprice n. 怪想法 chidev. 指摘,骂 dearth n. 饥馑,饥馑. 相关词条+judge chided1 . 法官斥责 the presiding judge chided the police forplanting the cellmate and dismissed the evidence as not credible .首席法官斥责警方安插囚友,拒绝承认证据的可信性。 +chided me1 . 责怪我 Mother chided me for coming home late ., 母亲责怪我回家太迟. +chided himself1 . 责备自己 Simon asked , then silently chided himself for interrupting ., Simon 问 , 随即 , 默默责备自己又打断了对方的话. +I chided1 . 我责备 You ' re being childish , I chided myself ., 太幼稚了 , 我责备自己. |