英语频道小编deborah整理了英语单词chancy的学习资料,关于chancy是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括chancy的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,chancy的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词chancy相关的信息。 chancy英[ˈtʃɑ:nsi]美[ˈtʃænsi]adj.不确实的,不安的网络尚西;不确实的;衡平法院;大法官法庭 双语例句同反义词 1 . Invest-ment is becoming a chancy business. 投资正变成一项风险事业。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . If this method of progress seems chancy and wasteful, it has the merit of its faults. 如果这种进步的方法好像太碰机会,也太浪费了, 它的缺点也不无利益的功绩. 来自辞典例句 3 . That was a chancy thing to do; you could have been badly injured. 那事做起来可真危险, 当时你很有可能会受重伤. 来自辞典例句 4 . Still, this form of indirect communication and tacit restraint was slow and chancy . 不过, 这种间接信息和暗自抑制的方式,毕竟还是太慢,而且也不太确实. 来自辞典例句 5 . I was hoping for a backer, but the project was too chancy . 我希望有支持者, 但这项目风险太大. 来自互联网 同义词 adventurous risky dangerous英英释义网络释义noun1.of uncertain outcome; especially fraught with risk; an extremely dicey future on a brave new world of liquid nitrogen, tar, and smog- New Yorker 2.subject to accident or chance or change; a chancy appeal at best -chancy1 . 尚西 中文:尚西;英语:Chancy;日语:シャンシー (ジュネーヴ州);法语:Chancy; 2 . 不确实的 4. 装饰灯chancy不确实的chandler 杂货零售商 3 . 衡平法院 英国财政大臣;财相Chancery, Court of大法官法庭;衡平法院chancy冒险的;不确定的chandler 4 . 大法官法庭 英国财政大臣;财相Chancery, Court of大法官法庭;衡平法院chancy冒险的;不确定的chandler 相关词条+and chanciness1 . 和偶然性 the noumenal and non-noumenal factors of the primitive Buddhism are based on the relationship of the cause and effect , assisted by inevitability and chanciness , and to be the refined elements of thought with the target at extrication .原始佛教的本体和非本体因素是以因果关 2 . 与偶然性 in Chapter three , the thesis analyses concretely anatomies some pairs of Philosophy categories such as sensibility and logos , inevitability and chanciness , exc .第三章在紧密结合新闻报道需要遵循的原则的基础上,具体剖析了感性与理性、必然性与偶然性等几对哲学范畴,为其寻找哲学上的理论依据。 +chanciness and inevitability1 . 偶然性和必然性 relation between chanciness and inevitability of chemistry progresses化学发展中偶然性和必然性的联系 +between chanciness and1 . 偶然性和 relation between chanciness and inevitability of chemistry progresses ., 化学发展中偶然性和必然性的联系. +inevitability and chanciness1 . 必然性和偶然性 the noumenal and non-noumenal factors of the primitive Buddhism are based on the relationship of the cause and effect , assisted by inevitability and chanciness , and to be the refined elements of thought with the target at extrication .原始佛教的本体和非本体因素是以因果关 |