英语频道小编beryl整理了英语单词anil的学习资料,关于anil是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括anil的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,anil的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词anil相关的信息。 anil英['ænɪl]美['ænɪl]n.木蓝属植物,假蓝靛网络木蓝属;阿尼尔;靛蓝;安尼尔 双语例句 1 . When the brothers split their father's empire in 2005, Anil was given the telecoms company. 两兄弟于2005年分割了其父亲的帝国, 安尼尔获得了信实电信. 来自互联网 2 . Anil Khanna, treasurer of the organising committee, has quit over accusations of graft. 组委会财务主管亚尼·柯汉纳因贪污受贿辞去职务. 来自互联网 3 . Anil Khanna, treasurer of the organising committee, has quit over accusations of graft. 组委会财务主管亚尼·柯汉纳因贪污受贿辞去职务. 来自互联网 4 . There are 14 species and varieties of anil plants in the coast zone of Shandong Province. 山东省海岸带有木兰科、木兰属植物14种和变种. 来自互联网 5 . There are 14 species and varieties of anil plants in the coast zone of Shandong Province. 山东省海岸带有木兰科、木兰属植物14种和变种. 来自互联网 英英释义网络释义noun1.a blue dye obtained from plants or made synthetically 2.shrub of West Indies and South America that is a source of indigo dye -anil1 . 木蓝属 anigh 靠近anil木蓝属anile 衰老的 2 . 阿尼尔 接踵而来的传言指出,放出穆克斯成为世界首富的新闻,是为了盖过他的弟弟阿尼尔(Anil)的风头,因为45岁的阿尼尔所引导的ReliancePow-er在近期内会在印度推出有史以来最大的首发上市。 3 . 靛蓝 石油词汇英语翻译(a22篇) ... anhysteretic 非磁滞;非滞后的 anil靛蓝 anilide n酰苯胺. 4 . 安尼尔 ...,在市委统战部副部长王咸柜、美中联合商会福建代表、省留学生同学会等有关人员陪同下,亚洲理工学院(AIT)副校长安尼尔(Anil)博士到我校考察。受李泽彧校长的委托,李源江副校长会见了安尼尔(Anil)一行,宾主双方就加强合作办学等事项进行了深入交谈。 相关词条+anile area1 . 衰老矿区 put an amount plus manpower resource big , more the difficulty that makes anile area off predicament is increased .再加上人力资源存量大,更使衰老矿区摆脱困境的难度加大。 +anile action1 . 衰老作用 have special effect to ageing skin , it has fight anile action , also be a kind of very good antidiarrheal at the same time .对老化皮肤有非凡效果,它有抗衰老作用,同时也是一种很好的止泻药。 +anile result1 . 抗衰老效果 What vegetable and fruit anile result best ?, 什么蔬菜和水果抗衰老效果最好? +anile mine1 . 衰老矿井 current , in state-owned coal company , anile mine has 257 place , those who occupy state-owned colliery to produce mine 45 % .目前,国有煤炭企业中,衰老矿井有257处,占国有煤矿生产矿井的45%。 2 . 对于衰老矿井 And solve this problem to anile mine more show pressing ., 而解决这个问题对于衰老矿井更显迫切. |