苛性碱的英文: An aqueous caustic solution removes carrier gas impurities harmful to the detector cell n. 腐蚀剂 adj. 腐蚀性的,刻薄的 Her new clothes were the subject of caustic comment. This brilliant, caustic, rambling satire is written in a colloquial style. The neutralization of acid and of caustic wastes is based upon such formation Wool will dissolve in caustic soda solutions that would have little effect on cotton. Primary gastritis may be caused by the ingestion of caustic or irritating chemicals n. 碱 It is a tribute to the capacity of the kidneys to excrete alkali. This kind of soil contains much alkali. It was surprising when the alkali spectra showed unmistakable doublets "The strip surface is cleaned by alkali spraying, alkali brushing, electrolytic deoiling and rinsing for good coating coherence. " Not even a blade of grass grows in the saline-alkali soil. |