均红的英文: n.六月(=June) Rock Image of Lao Jun In today's tournament, Chinese international master Jun Xu challenged teammate and international grandmaster Rongguang Ye. But Jia Jun paid no attention. Since his inkstone was pinned down he caught up his satchel and hurled it at the offender. n. 窑,炉,干燥炉 vt. 烧窑,在干燥炉干燥 They are charring wood in a kiln. He baked pottery in a kiln. A kiln for drying hops or malt or drying and curing tobacco. adj. 红色的;褐红色的;深红的;布满血丝的;支持左翼政治观点的;社会党的 n. 赤字;亏空 Red got his nickname for his red hair. The sun will swell into a red giant. red lake C pigment |