容纳的英文: This auditorium will seat one thousand people. This hall is calculated to hold two thousand people. The new football stadium can hold eighty thousand people. Rural industries have absorbed 50 per cent of the surplus work force. Only 1% of the croplands would be sufficient to receive all the sludge produced in the United States. The place is huge. It can accommodate seven or eight hundred customers at a time on its dozens of open-air split levels. To fill beyond capacity, especially with food; satiate. To have room for; accommodate. Having the ability to hold or contain liquid, etc Capacity to receive;receptivity. v. 包含;可容纳;控制…;可被…除尽 It contained oaths and slang phrases. fiveteen contains five and three. This opera contains a love motif. A book containing such a text. To contain as a secondary or subordinate element. v. 能容纳;使适应;使相符;通融;调和 The accommodation was confined, but neat. accommodate by accepting time accommodate sb. with a loan It means to reach an accommodation with creditors. The guidebook is for the accommodation of foreign tuorists. |