官本位的英文: n. 官员,行政人员;裁判员,执法人 adj. 官方的,法定的,正式的;公务的,公职的;冠冕堂皇的;官员的 Babbitt was an official delegate. He is an important official in the government. It is a scandal for officials to take bribes. The official reception will be held on Tuesday. As officials of the town, this was definitely their business. n. 标准,水平,规格;行为标准;产品规格;旗帜 adj. 普通的,正常的;符合标准的;有权威性的;标准的 This is the standard spelling. This is a standard map. utilitarian standard the base of the standard Standards prepared by the international standardization community are based on consensus |