57. CLEAR A HURDLE 57.过栏 To overcome an obstacle. 战胜困难。 We’ve cleared a big hurdle by getting all the legal paperwork completed for our new business. 我们克服重重困难,办好了业务所需的全部法律文件。 58.DIVE IN HEADFIRST 58.鲁莽行事 To do something impulsively, without thinking about the consequences. 冲动行事,不计后果。 I just decided to dive in headfirst, and it was one of the best decisions ever! 我下定决心要这么做,事实证明这个决定是明智的! 59. A FIGHTING CHANCE 59.有机会做某事 A good possibility of succeeding if you try hard. 如果付出努力,很有可能会成功。 You have a fighting chance of getting that job, I know you can do it! 你可以得到那份工作,我知道你能做到! 60. DIVE RIGHT INTO (SOMETHING) 60.潜心研究 To begin to do something without hesitating, getting started immediately. 毫不犹豫做某事。 Some of the students decided to dive right into their studies when they started university. 一些学生决心进入大学后潜心学习。 61. KICK OFF (SOMETHING) or KICK (SOMEONE) OFF 61.着手某事 To begin something, to start something. 开始做某事。 We kicked off the summer by being the first ones to have a barbecue party in our neighborhood. 我们首先在小区举办烧烤聚会。 62. SET THE PACE 62.掌握比赛速度 To establish the pace or speed of something. 定速度或把握进度。 The fastest runner set the pace for the other runners during the marathon. 在马拉松比赛中,速度最快的运动员为其他选手设定了速度。 63. SINK OR SWIM 63.孤注一掷 To fail or succeed by one’s own efforts. 成败全靠自己。 This industry is very competitive, you either sink or swim – you cannot be average. 这个行业竞争十分激烈,成败全靠自己——你不能水平一般。 64. JUMP THE GUN 64.行动过早 To be impatient and not wait for the right time. 缺乏耐心,未在适当时机行动。 Don’t jump the gun Chris, let’s just wait for them to tell us when it’s our turn. 克里斯,不要草率行事,等他们通知了我们再行动。 65.A WHOLE NEW / DIFFERENT BALL GAME 65.完全不同于以往 A new set of circumstances, a completely new situation. 新局面,新局面。 I’m usually quite good with computers, but this software you’ve installed is a whole new ball game! 我平时电脑操作还不错,可你安装的这个软件完全不同以往! 66.WILD CARD 66.万能牌 Something or someone that adds an unexpected twist to an activity or situation. 某物或某人对某活动或情况起着意想不到的作用。 They added our team as a wild card at the very last minute, to make the game a bit more interesting. 最后一刻,他们加入了我们,这让游戏变得更有趣了。 67.TACKLE A PROBLEM 67.解决问题 To attack a problem with a lot of effort, in order to resolve it. 付出极大努力解决问题。 Don’t worry Janice, we can tackle this problem if we work together. 贾妮思,别担心,只要我们合作,就一定能解决难题。 68.TEAM PLAYER 68.良好的合作伙伴 Someone who works well with others to achieve a common goal. 能够与他人通力合作实现目标。 I see myself as an excellent team player; someone who can be relied upon. 我认为自己是个不错的合作伙伴,值得信赖。 69.TO THROW IN A CURVEBALL 69.出难题 To surprise someone by doing something unexpected. 做些意外之事使某人吃惊。 They threw in a curveball halfway through my interview and said I had to take part in a role-play situation. I think they wanted to test how well I could work under pressure! 面试过半,他们给我出了个难题,让我进入角色情境。他们一定是想看看我在压力下工作表现如何! 70.TOUCH BASE WITH (SOMEONE) 70.进行接触 To briefly meet or make contact with someone, usually to update them or be updated on a matter. 就某一问题,与某人进行短暂会面或联系。 I stopped off in LA to touch base with Sally before coming home. 回家前,我在洛杉矶停留与萨莉会面。 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |