这段时间最热门的话题中一定有《复仇者联盟3》的身影,从前期宣传到上映都备受关注。 漫威影迷众多,各有心头好,而这部无限战争的剧情又关系到很多英雄的命运,勾起了无数人的好奇。带着好奇观影应该是个很妙的体验,but不要忽略了“剧透”的存在… 因为香港是全球最早上映《复联3》的地方,不少影迷观影后开启了社交网络剧透之路,据说很多人在此过程中检验了“友谊”。 英文中也有剧透一说,对应的单词是spoiler,指(在电影、电视连续剧等公映前的)剧情透漏。 information that you are given about what is going to happen in a film/movie, television series etc. before it is shown to the public 比较典型的剧透是剧情的高潮部分和结局,还有一些是故事简介式的剧透;广义上来讲,任何潜在观众不愿意提前知晓的内容都可以被定义作剧透。 Typically, the details of the conclusion of the plot, including the climax and ending, are especially regarded as spoiler material. It can also be used to refer to any piece of information regarding any part of a given media that a potential consumer would not want to know beforehand. 你有过被“剧透”的经历吗? |