职场英语每日一句•人物性格篇 第35句
IBM had approached him first, so he would just play along for now. 是IBM先找上门来的,所以他也就顺水推舟,先跟他们敷衍一下啦。 字里行间 play along 原意是"伴奏,随唱"。这儿引申为顺着对方的意图,或当时的气氛,并不十分认真地应付一下。上海方言中,似乎也有类似的用语:捣浆糊。 for now 意为"现在,暂且,临时"。 弦外之音 工作中,常常有这样"非得随大流"的必要。一个不感兴趣的会议或报告,大家都去,你也就勉强眼着去就是了;一个并不怎么出色的同事,大家都赞不绝口,你也就口是心非地凑合几句。这些都是play along,叫做见风使舵,顺水推舟。 I don't think they're going steady yet. He is just playing along. 活学活用 1. I think I should play along with them for a while and see what happens next. 我觉得应该跟他们敷衍一会儿,然后再看下一步会怎么样。 2. I don't think he is seriously interested in our project. He is just playing along, because he sees some possible benefit for himself down the road. 他这个人不见得真对我们的项目感兴趣。他只是现在从旁附和着,认为这项目说不好今后会给他带来什么好处。 |