《怦然心动》是根据同名原著小说改编的电影,描述了青春期中男孩女孩之间的有趣战争,年少的暗恋美好而又纯洁。朱莉·贝克在看到布莱斯蓝眼睛的那一瞬间就对他心动了,但是布莱斯却潜意识里排斥她的靠近。 随着两个人的成长,布莱斯渐渐被朱莉身上纯洁善良的本性与勇敢坚韧的性格所吸引,两人共同种下一棵树,友谊与爱情之花终于慢慢滋长。 Flipped 《怦然心动》 Dad: The sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. And you put them all together, and it can be magic. 爸爸:透过树枝的阳光也不过是一束光线而已。你把他们放到一起,却美得不可思议。 Julia:The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view. 朱莉:我爬的越高,就越被景色美得惊叹。 I began to notice how wonderful the breeze smelled. Like sunshine and wild grass. 我感觉可以嗅到微风的芬芳,就像阳光和野草。 I couldn't stop breathing it in, feeling my lungs with the sweetest smell I'd ever known. 我忍不住深呼吸,让肺中充盈着我有生以来最美好的气息。 Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink. And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds and the horizon. 有时候日落是紫色或者粉红,有时候橙色的余晖点燃地平线的晚霞。 It was during one of those sunsets that my father's idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart. 就是在其中的这样一个晚霞中我开始明白我爸爸说的整体大于部分之和。 Some days I would get there extra early to watch the sunrise. 有时候我会起的特别早只为了在树上看日出。 One morning I was making mental notes of how the orange and pink streaks of light were cutting through the clouds so I could tell my dad. What happened after that was a blur. I must've cried for two weeks straight. 一天早上我看着粉红和橙色的光突破地平线,想记下这美景向爸爸描述。从那之后,我的脑子一片空白。我一定足足哭了两个星期。 I rode my bike so I wouldn't have to pass by the stump that used to be the earth's most magnificent sycamore tree. 我骑着自行车因为我不想路过那个伤心地,那里曾经伫立着一颗最伟大的梧桐树。 I never want you to forget how you felt when you were up there. 我希望你永远记得你在那棵树上的快乐。 It was the first thing I saw every morning, and the last thing I saw before I went to sleep. 那是我每天睡起来看到的第一个东西,也是我每天睡前看到的最后一个东西。 And once I could look at it without crying, I saw more than the tree and what being up there meant to me. I saw the day that my view of things around me started changing. 当我不会一看就落泪时,我开始懂了在树上的那些时光对我的意义。我觉得我的世界观发生了变化。 Grandfather:Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare. 外公:有人住高楼,有人在深沟,有人光万丈,有人一身锈,世人万千种,浮云莫去求,斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。 影片中朱莉喜欢爬上一个高大的梧桐树上观看日落,因为高处的景色令人心醉,也能让人真正地安静下来,思考人生。她喜欢和爸爸交流,并最终懂得了父亲告诉她的"总体大于部分之和"的意义。 词汇: beam:n.光束 赏析: 第一句中"peek through"意思为"穿过,透过",而"The sun peeking through the trees"中"peeking through the trees"作"the sun"的后置定语,可翻译为"透过树梢的阳光"。 第二句中"the higher…the more amazed…"使用了"the+形容词比较级,the+形容词比较级"的结构,意思为"越…越…"。这句话的意为我爬的越高,就越被景色美得惊叹。可以理解为"站得高,看得远",与古人"欲穷千里目,更上一层楼"有异曲同工之妙。 第四句中"couldn't stop doing sth."意为"情不自禁做某事",树上的空气清新、微风习习、阳光暖人,这样迷人的景色,让人情不自禁就会沉迷其中,无法自拔。 第五句中"a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds and the horizon."巧妙地运用了拟人的手法,是日落的橙色余晖"点燃"了云朵和地平线。这句生动地再现了当时的日落绯红有一种浓烈之美,更有一种层层晕染的色彩之美,先是橙色,然后是像火一样的鲜艳的红色,强烈的画面感一次次引人入胜。 第八句中"straight"本意为"直的;直率的",这里加上时间,意思为"整整的,足足的",以此来显示时间的久,表明朱莉难以接受梧桐树要被砍下的事实。 最后外公所说的那段话,则是整个影片最为精彩的部分之一。"dip"这个词的巧妙之处就在于,它不仅表明人所处的外在环境,也从侧面包括了人被外在环境所感染的心境。 这一切的总和,无论你出身高贵或平凡,无论你的人生之路崎岖或平坦,只要遇到了那个在你生命中让你怦然心动的人,其他都不再重要,她的光芒可以遮盖一切。 在这之前,已经许久没有看如此清新的青春片了,看多了成人世界的爱情片,再看少男少女之间青涩又诚挚的单纯喜欢,颇为触动。 纯粹又热烈的情感不会随着时间消失,只是我们都忘记了。忘记我们曾有过的怦然心动,忘记我们可以这样喜欢一个人,远离尘嚣、干净澄澈,只是单纯喜欢着一个人,忘记那个人出现在生命中会有多美好。 愿你找到一份经得起岁月变迁的感情,遇到TA的时候,你会告诉自己:nothing will ever compare! |