要想在实际生活中听懂英语,你必须对某些习语非常熟悉。习语在日常生活中得到广泛使用,因此掌握习语十分必要。你得知道这些习语的真正含义,知道如何运用,争取成为一名“行家”。 本文将介绍一些当下最常用的英语习语,请记住,知识就是力量。 1. CRUNCH TIME: the period of time just before a project has to be completed and everyone has to work hard 1.关键时期:项目竣工之前的一段时期,人人都在加紧工作 I’m not getting enough sleep these days. It’s crunch time at work. 这些天,我从没好好休息过,毕竟现在正处在攻坚期。 2.LET YOUR FREAK FLAG FLY:to let others see your uniqueness 2.展示身手:让他人看到自己的独特性 My colleagues were surprised at the Christmas party- I let my freak flag fly and showed them a break dance routine. 圣诞会上,同事们惊呆了——我一显身手跳了段霹雳舞。 3. GET OUT OF HAND:when you lose control of things, they get out of hand 3.失控:对某事失去控制,出现混乱。 The party got out of hand and the guests started to throw bottles at each other. 来宾们互相掷瓶,聚会一度失控。 4. GET YOUR HEAD AROUND IT:to understand something 4.集中精力:弄清某事 I just can’t get my head around the fact that Joe is leaving us. 我还是想不通乔为何要离我们而去。 5. DIG IN YOUR HEELS / STICK TO YOUR GUNS: to refuse to compromise or change your mind 5.立场坚定/决不动摇:拒绝让步或改变主意 My parents wanted me to give up writing, but I dug in my heels and went on to become a famous writer. 父母劝我放弃写作,但我立场坚定,立志成为一名出色的作家。 6. POUND THE PAVEMENT: to walk the streets looking for a job 6.在人行道徘徊:徘徊街头找工作 I’d been pounding the pavement for months before I found a job in a fast food restaurant. 在街上徘徊了数月,我才找到这份快餐店的工作。 7.PULL A RABBIT OUT OF A HAT: to do something unexpected that may have seemed impossible 7.另辟蹊径:做一些让人出乎意料,看上去不可能实现之事 I thought we were going bankrupt, but my partner pulled a rabbit out of his hat and we landed a major contract. 原以为我们要破产了,但我的生意伙伴另辟蹊径接到了一个大单子。 8. LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED: to do everything you can to achieve your goal 8.不遗余力:千方百计实现某事 I’ll leave no stone unturned until I find out who did this. 不管用什么办法,我都会查出这是谁干的。 9. GET IT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM: to do something you’ve wanted to do for a long time and don’t want to postpone any longer 9.迫不及待:去做某项盼望已久的事情,不愿再等待 I wasn’t sure how she was going to react, but I had to get it out of my system, so I told her I had found another woman. 我不知道她会有什么反应,但是我等不下去了。因此,我告诉她自己移情别恋了。 10. STEP UP YOUR GAME: to start performing better 10.迎头赶上:做出更佳表现 If you want to win this competition, you’ll have to step up your game. 要想在这次竞争中获胜,你必须加把劲儿了。 11. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER: to calm down and behave normally 11.振作起来:冷静下来,恢复正常 I understand you’ve had a bad day, but pull yourself together and get on with your job, will you? 我知道你今天不容易,但是振作起来开始工作好吗? 12. SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT: either start performing better or leave 12.好好干不然就走人:好好表现不然就走人 This is the last time I’m telling you to arrive on time. Shape up or ship out. 我再说最后一遍,按时上班好好干,不然就走人。 13. CUT SOMEBODY SOME SLACK:to give somebody a break/ not to judge somebody severely 13.放人一马:给人留有喘息的余地,而非咄咄逼人 I was extremely busy last week. Cut me some slack and I’ll finish the report by tomorrow morning. 上星期我简直忙到飞起。给我点喘息的时间,明早我就交报告。 14. BY THE SKIN OF YOUR TEETH:when you do something by the skin of your teeth, you only just succeed/ nearly fail 14.侥幸成功:侥幸成功做某事,差一点失败 I hadn’t studied much, but passed the test by the skin of my teeth. 虽然我准备不多,但侥幸通过了测试。 15. ONCE IN A BLUE MOON:when something rarely ever happens 15.千载难逢:极少会发生某事 We used to see him all the time, but now he just visits us once in a blue moon. 过去我们经常见面,但现在他许久都不来一次。 |