GREEN IDIOMS 绿色习语 46. To be green 46.稚嫩 Used to describe someone who is immature, or inexperienced 描述人不成熟,涉世未深 He can be rather green sometimes. I don’t think he’s ready to be promoted to a higher position yet. 有的时候,他表现的相当不成熟。我认为他还没有充分做好晋升的准备。 47. Green with envy 47.嫉妒 Used to describe someone who is extremely jealous, full of envy 描述人充满嫉妒 When we were children, my older brother always used to get green with envy if my dad bought something for me and not for him. 小时候,如果爸爸只给我带东西,那么哥哥便十分妒忌。 48. Give someone the green light / get the green light 48.批准;获得允许 When someone receives, or is given, permission to go ahead with something 某人获得批准或给出承诺 We have been given the green the light by the Marketing Executive to go ahead with the new advertising campaign. 我们已获得市场部经理的批准,开展新的广告宣传活动。 49. Grass is always greener on the other side 49.这山望着那山高 Used to describe a place that is far away, and better than, where you are now, or another person’s situation that is very different from your own 用来描述远处的某个地方比目前所处的地方好或某个人的处境比自己好 He realized that the grass is always greener on the other side when he saw that his new job wasn’t perfect, and had its own problems too. 当发现新工作并非尽善尽美,存在不少问题时,他意识到别人的东西看起来总是好。 50. Green belt 50.绿化带 An area of fields and trees around a town 城镇绿化带 Our city has a policy of increasing the green belt around it. 我们市要加大绿化带面积。 51. Green thumb/green finger 51.园艺高手 Used to describe someone with a talent for gardening 描述某人在园艺方面有天分 This garden used to look so beautiful when my mum lived here. She definitely had a green thumb. I wish I did too! 母亲在世时,这座花园美不胜收。她绝对称得上园艺高手。我要是像她一样就好了! GREY IDIOMS 灰色习语 52. A grey area 52.含糊不清之处 Something that is not clearly defined, and there is still debate as to whether it is ‘black or white’, neither one way or another 某事缺乏准确的界定,对该问题的“是非”讨论仍在继续 Some of the current rules surrounding bedroom tax in the UK seem to be in a grey area, as many residents disagree with its determining factors. 目前,英国一些卧室税的现行规定看上去缺乏准确性,许多市民表示不满。 GOLD IDIOMS 金色习语 53. A golden opportunity 53.绝佳机会 An opportunity that may never present itself again 千载难逢的好机会 Think carefully about what you’re going to do, this is a golden opportunity, and you don’t want to mess it up! 仔细想想接下来怎么做,这是个绝佳的好机会,可别搞砸了。 54. A golden handshake 54.丰厚的离职金 A large sum of money that is paid to a retiring manager or director, or to a redundant worker 一大笔离职金,付给退休人员或遭解雇的员工 The company Chairman received a huge golden handshake when he retired. 公司主席退休时收到了一大笔离职金。 55. Golden boy 55.有成就的男人 The term given to a young man idolized for a great skill, usually in sport. 用来形容某方面突出的年轻男子,特别是运动方面。 By many of his fans, Wayne Rooney is seen as the golden boy of his football team. 在粉丝眼中,韦恩·鲁尼就是球队的金童。 PINK IDIOMS 粉色习语 56. Tickled pink 56.眉开眼笑 To be very pleased, thrilled or delighted about something 因某事感到格外开心、激动或愉悦 Anna was tickled pink that her fiancéhad made such an effort for her birthday. 见到未婚夫在她生日会上费了不少心思,安娜感到十分幸福。 57. See pink elephants 57.烂醉如泥 When someone sees things that are not really there, because they are in their imagination 出于臆想,看到一些不存在的 Anyone who hears his story thinks he sees pink elephants. It’s just such a far-fetched story, and very hard to believe. 任何人听到他这套说辞,都会觉得他喝醉了。这个说法太牵强了,很难令人相信。 58. Pink Slip 58.解雇通知书 A termination notice received from a job 终止合约的书面通知 They gave me my pink slip last week, so I’ve got to find a new job now. 上周,我接到了解雇通知书,现在不得不找份新工作了。 59. in the pink of something 59.粉红色的某物 Meaning in very good health 表示身体状况良好 My grandmother looked ever so well when I saw her, she was in the pink of condition. 祖母得到了很好的照顾,看上去身体不错。 |