调情的的英文: The grotesque sight of an old man trying to flirt with a young girl. (of people)fond of flirting;lively and playful To make love by fondling and caressing. To touch or fondle(someone)sexually. When I fond that a stranger began to make a pass at me, I gave him a stern look and left. Natalie puts on a husky sexy voice for the billing and cooing she does with the amorous King To engage in coquetry;flirt. an amatory look He flirts outrageously. That Johnny-come-lately was already flirting with my girlfriend. a. 爱调戏的,轻浮的 To stare at impertinently,flirtatiously,or amorously. An impertinent,flirtatious,or amorous stare. His failing is to fall in love with, and then marry, a small-minded, petulant and flirtatious wife |