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老烟鬼 Heavy Smoker
True story 真实故事
A secretary at work one day came into my office and told me that somc-one was waiting for me outside.  I told her to let him wait a while becausc I had an important phone call to make.When she came back twenty minutes later to remind me he was still waiting,she remarked, "He has been smoking ten cigarettes since he came." Her meaning was“他到这儿以后已经抽了十支烟 了 ” .  But what her sentciicc literally meant was “他同时抽了十支烟”.  What she should havc saicl was“he has smoked about ten clgarettes since he arrived.”
一天,秘书告诉我办公室外有人往等我。我说先让他等一会因为我要打一个重要的电话。二十分钟后她又进来提醒我外商那个人还在等我,她说:“Hehas been smoking ten cigarcttes siiicc hc came.”她是想说:“他到这儿以后已经抽了十支烟了。”但她的L舌的字面含义是:“他同时抽了十支烟。”她应该说:“He has smoked about ten cigarettcs since he arrived.”
 smoker  n.吸烟者,瘾君子 
second-hand smoke 二手烟   
cigar n.雪茄   
pipe n.烟斗   
mild adj.(烟草)味淡的   
heavy smoker老烟鬼
 ashtray n.烟灰缸
 cigarillo n.很细的烟,小雪茄
 filter n.过滤嘴香烟
 menthol n.薄荷香烟
