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How to Write Great emails

How to write application letter?

All job-hunting correspondence is important, and the application letter to a long-waited job is especially critical. It is your chance to paint a clear but brief picture of your ideal, perfect job. The aim of this topic is to tell you how to make the content of an application letter really readable to the employers and rewarding to you. Now, let’s begin~
1. Preparatory steps.
Employers are cautious about hiring people because companies can't return employees easily who fail on the job. They have to terminate them and start over, both of which are costly. And so you have to do some preparing job for your writing.
Find out something about the company. Significant data include the size, product or service offered, future plans, and so forth. Use personal contacts if you know someone who works for the company. You may also call the Personnel Office of the company you are interested in and ask for information. Sometimes this works, and sometimes it doesn't, but it is often worth trying. Know what you want to ask before you call---write out questions if that will help you remember when you're nervous. Base your first questions on the job advertisement, and follow up with more general questions. Keep notes of what you found out, and where you found it.
Now you are in a position to start a draft of the letter. You might begin by making two short lists that answer the following questions:
• What do I have to offer them?
• What do they have to offer me?
Don't be alarmed if all you have to offer is a moderately good grade-point average from a decent university in the right major, and all they have to offer is a reasonable salary ---but try to describe the job that offers you more than that: experience in an area of your field that you are interested in or you just want to work for a company that you already know and respect.
2. How to title.
The writing begins since the preparative things have been well done. It is good if you know the interviewer’s surname and gender and if not you may just start the letter this way: “Dear manager…”

3. Information source.
Tell how you get the information, “I learned from the newspaper that …” for example. This will make the letter smooth and natural and also will help the company do its calculating job.

4. Make your application clear.
Here is an example for your reference. “In applying for the position of sales manager I offer my qualifications, which I believe will meet your demanding requirements.”
And also you may include the reason for applying this position. This may contains two reasons, why leave the present employer and why want the new job. If you do explain the first why please remember not to over criticize your former boss.
5. Main statement.
This is the most important part of the letter, and here you will have to persuade the employer to hire you.
Get together the necessary information to make a clear statement on your past life. This includes dates, names and locations of companies you have worked for, organizations you have belonged to, colleges and universities you have attended, special honors or scholarships for academic achievement or merit, and so forth. You may want to include other categories, but if you do, don't call them ``others''---that makes them sound unimportant. You can call the category ``Skills'' or the like.
If no resume is enclosed, you can be as specific and detailed as the preceding part. But remember that you needn't tell your whole life story in the letter---the people who read these read many, many of them, and they appreciate people who stick to the point and only write about relevant topics. Unless they relate directly to the job, your hobbies are best left out.
Do organize it in reverse chronological order. Educational history goes into reverse chronological order, as well as job history. Afterwards you should edit your letter to make sure that the content fits the job you want and your personal skills and abilities that are relevant to that job. For example, you may have relevant experiences from a previous job that you want to describe in more detail.
If a resume be added to your letter do cut those unrelated abilities, certificates, qualifications and so on. Just try your best to make it brief and clear.
6. Resolution and contemplation.
Tell them you will work hard and try to be a high-efficiency worker. It is an effective way to move the employer and make them decide to use you.
7. Salary.
It is difficult for one to say what compensation one deserves but some employer may request one to do so. If it is a must you have to make wise judgment and give the for-you-satisfactory base salary. For example:
(1) While I am serving my apprenticeship, I should consider 800RMB per month.
(2) I should require a salary of 2,000RMB a month to begin with.
Use gentle words will be better. But do not show too much humility and apology kind sentiment, do not ask for their advice and do state a definite salary.
For a newly-graduated student he has to know that it is to his profit to get an ordinary job with great chance for promotion than one only with high salary. And there are a lot you may not do well actually for your deficiency of experience, relationship, tact and so on. So do not utter an unpractical and fearful number.
8. Ask for an interview.
Remember that in a job letter you are asking for an interview even only a reply, not for a job. Normally no one will hire you sight unseen, on the basis of a letter and résumé.
To make it sure that you receive a reply you’d better provide your living address, postal code, email box, phone number and other ways they can conveniently reach you.

There are several examples to follow:
(1) I should appreciate the privilege of a personal interview. I maybe reached by letter at the address given below.
(2) If my application has convinced you of my ability to satisfy you, I should welcome the opportunity to talk with you, so that you may judge my personal qualifications further.
(3) May I have the opportunity to discuss this matter further with you? My telephone is xxxxxxx. You can reach me between xx and xx o‘clock during the day.

9. Say “Thank you”.

Whether or not your application being considered, the reality is that you add trouble to the company and so it is polite for you to say thanks. Thank them for reading your letter and considering the interview with you. Tell them you may call sometime to check whether your letter reached into their hands and the arrangement of the interview. Even they tell you in the phone a not desired result it is better to wait a phone never ring.

10. Attachment.
It depends on the actual case. If a detailed resume or any materials are requested just enclose it within your letter. But do remember to state it clearly. For example:
(1) Materials Enclosed. Please find a resume, a photo and an autobiography.
(2) A copy of my transcript is enclosed.

Your letter is meant to persuade your prospective employer to grant you an interview. These are some rules your letter should conform to:
1. It should be neat.
The letter must be pleasing to the eye---not cramped and crowded-looking. It must be easy and quick to read. The simplest solution to the low return rate is careful word-processing. When you've completed this working draft, set it aside for a few hours and do something else---leaving it overnight is best, if possible. The next day, look it over. You will probably find some things you want to change; perhaps you may have thought of things you want to add. Make these changes and additions right on your working draft. When typed, your letter should fit comfortably on one page.
2. It should sound confident, but not arrogant or shamefaced.
How do you set a confident tone in your writing? Briefly, give information about yourself in a brisk, straightforward way, without a lot of qualification: that is, do say things like, ``I believe my education and experience suit me for the position,'' but not ``I feel I probably meet the qualifications for the position,'' and not, ``I am the one and only candidate for the job.''

Bear in mind that there is no standard formula about the content of an application letter but a range of problems and possibilities, depending on the job you are applying for and your own background and experience. If really want to get a desired and decent job the first thing you have to do is enrich yourself and only under this condition dare I promise you a promising future! Best wishes for you!
