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By: Undergraduate Applicant12   

Subject:   Succesful RC Easley Scholarship


Because my activities and academic work exemplify the criteria set by the N.A.A.S., I should be selected for the R.C. Easley National Scholarship. My previously mentioned accomplishments and activities attest to my scholastic ability, intellectual potential, personal integrity, and enthusiasm for learning.

With all "A's" in school and a 1580 SAT score, I set no personal limits on my future endeavors. At both the Governor's School in the Sciences and Johns Hopkins University, I worked with students who were also valedictorians and proven leaders. In this environment, I thrived as a scholar and as a leader. My project of placing an upper-bound on the cosmological constant by tracking the orbit of Pluto became the centerpiece of the team project in astroimaging at the Governor's School. Working tirelessly, I continued with late-night observations and calculations to ensure the project's success. I firmly believe that I can accomplish everything I attempt. In this way, I assess my intellectual potential and enthusiasm as limitless.

Motivated in life by the promise of understanding physical phenomena, I aim to dramatically raise the height of the mountain of knowledge so that my successors may have a more accurate view of the universe around them. With such goals, I will contribute much to increasing society's level of understanding. For instance, I hope to unify the physical forces and to find an acceptable theory to resolve seemingly unexplainable galactic movement. Following in the grand tradition of Newton, Edison, and Einstein, I hope my life's work will increase mental and physical living standards.

Already, I have demonstrated a dedication to societal well-being through my involvement in student government, local government, newspapers, and Sunday-school teaching. With an advanced education, God-given talent, and glorious goals, my work will greatly benefit future generations.

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 Essay Number: 1066 - Posted on: Mar 31, 1999   Expires on: May 1, 1999 CollegeGate LLC  * CollegeGate LLC *

By: Undergraduate Applicant11   

Subject:   Succesful Crabiel Scholarship


Like Mr. Crabiel, I literally work tirelessly in many academic and leadership roles. I sleep no more than six hours a night because of my desire to expertly meet my many commitments. Throughout my life, I have worked as long and as hard as I possibly can to effect beneficial changes in both school and society.

During the summer of tenth grade, I took a number theory course at Johns Hopkins University with students from Alaska, California, and Bogota, Colombia. Similarly, during the summer following eleventh grade, I was one of ninety students from New Jersey selected to attend the Governor's School in the Sciences at Drew University. At Drew, I took courses in molecular orbital theory, special relativity, cognitive psychology, and I participated in an astrophysics research project. For my independent research project, I used a telescope to find the angular velocity of Pluto. With the angular velocity determined, I used Einstein's field equations and Kepler's laws to place an upper bound on the magnitude of the cosmological constant, which describes the curvature of space and the rate of the universe's expansion.

In addition to learning science, I recently lectured physics classes on special relativity at the request of my physics teacher. After lecturing one class for 45 minutes, one student bought many books on both general and special relativity to read during his study hall. Inspiring other students to search for knowledge kindles my own quest to understand the world and the people around me.

As president of the National Honor Society, I tutor students with difficulties in various subject areas. In addition, I am ranked number one in my class with an SAT score of 1580 and SATII scores of 750 in math, 760 in writing, and 800 in physics. In school, I take the hardest possible courses including every AP course offered at the high school. I am the leading member of the Math Team, the Academic Team, and the Model Congress Team. In the area of leadership, I have recently received the Rotary Youth Leadership Award from a local rotary club, have been asked to attend the National Youth Leadership Forum on Law and the Constitution in Washington D.C., and wrote the winning essay on patriotism for South Plainfield's VFW chapter. Currently enrolled in Spanish 6,I am a member of both the Spanish Club and the Spanish Honor Society. In addition, I recently was named a National Merit Scholar.

Besides involvement in academic and leadership positions, I am active in athletics. For instance, I lift weights regularly. In addition, I am the captain of my school's varsity tennis team. So far this year, my individual record on the team is 3-0.

Working vigorously upon being elected Student Council President, I have begun a biweekly publication of student council activities and opinions. Also, the executive board under my direction has opened the school store for the first time in nearly a decade. With paint and wood, we turned a janitor's closet into a fantastic store. I also direct many fund raisers and charity drives. For instance, I recently organized a charity drive that netted about $1,500 for the family of Alicia Lehman, a local girl who received a heart transplant.

As Student Liaison to the South Plainfield Board of Education, I am working to introduce more advanced-placement courses, more reading of philosophy, and more math and science electives into the curriculum. At curriculum committee meetings, I have been effective in making Board members aware of the need for these courses. In addition, my speeches at public Board meetings often draw widespread support, which further helps to advance my plans for enhancing the curriculum.

I have also been effective as a Sunday school teacher. By helping elementary school students formulate principles and morals, I make a difference in their lives every week. The value system that I hope to instill in them will last them their entire lives. I find teaching first-graders about Christ extremely rewarding.

Clearly, I have devoted my life both to working to better myself and to improving civilization as a whole. Throughout the rest of my life, I hope to continue in this same manner of unselfish work. Just as freeholder Crabiel dedicates his life to public service, I commit my life to helping others and to advancing society's level of understanding.

