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Department of Chemical Engineering
Nanjing University
Nanjing 210008

Dear Sir:
I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Chemical Engineering at your institution. My desired date of entrance is Fall, 1994. Please send me necessary application forms at your early convenience.
If possible, I also wish to obtain a graduate assistantship so that I may support myself and obtain more practical experience while pursuing graduate study.
I obtained my B. E. (Chemical Engineering) in 1989 and M. S. (Chemical Engineering) in 1992 from Nanjing University. At present. At present, I work as a teacher at the same University.
I have taken the TOEFL and received a score of 627. I am going to take GRE General Test this coming October.
Would you please send me the application forms for admission and financial support? Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,

Yu John

范文2: 索取研究生入学表格(建筑与土木专业)

Department of Architecture Engineering
Tongji University
Shanghai 200092
PR China

I would be most grateful if you would send me details of post graduate study facilities or scholarships in civil engineering which Columbia University may be offering to student from overseas. I majored in architecture and graduated from Tongji University in 1989. I have studied English for more than 6 years up to intermediate level. If any scholarships are available, I would appreciate it if you would send me the necessary application forms.


Wu Zhongjiang

范文3: 索取大学研究生院指南和入学申请表

Department of Mathematics
Nanjing University
Nanjing 210008
P. R. China

Dear Sir:
I am going to graduate from Department of Mathematics in Nanjing University in June next year. I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your University next fall to study applied mathematics for Ph. D. degree.
I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog of your university and any other necessary information, and also a set of application forms for admission.
Thank you for your kind assistance.

Sincerely yours,
Zhou Hua
