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1. 不接受成绩单复印件
2. TOEFL、GRE或其他考试成绩未收到—— 多数学校对这些成绩只承认ETS寄去的正本,而不接受申请人提供的成绩单。但ETS处理需时最少六星期,这种延迟常被对方认为未收到;
3. TOEFL成绩低于标准,要求重考—— TOEFL成绩最低标准470分到550不等;
4. 拟修专业填写不详—— 许多申请人在填表时,未把拟修专业(Proposed major)填明,对方来信要求补充;
5. 缺少自传、读书计划等材料
6. 尚未收到推荐信
7. 要求提供学位证明
8. 要求更改专业—— 拟修专业的课程已取消或每年只在秋季开课。
9. 提出的财力证明数额不足或未经银行证明

    如果入学申请已被批准,通常对方会先以正式函件通知,然后再发Ⅰ-20表,也有些学校要申请者填写一张回执,说明是否接受,还有些学校要求先缴一笔定金(deposit) ,然后才发Ⅰ-20表,这种定金通常在注册时可抵充学费。如果不止一个学校发来录取通知,那么,在慎重选择后应及早通知不去的学校,并退还Ⅰ-20表。

范文1: 请求受理入学申请(企管专业本科)
    Enclosed is my completed application form. I have also requested all my credentials to be forwarded to you. They should reach you shortly.
    I would like to assure you of my deep intention to attend your Undergraduate School of Business Administration for the spring semester of 1989. I sincerely hope that you will process my application and expedite my papers at your earliest convenience.

范文2: 申请表已填寄,为何又寄来新表
    I have just received from your office an application form and information for international students. However, I have completed and submitted the same form and paid the $ 25 admission / evaluation fee before.
    Would you please tell me if my application and fee have reached you or if the recent materials were sent me by mistake?

   Thanks for your assistance.

范文3: 寄交申请表及申请费
    Thank you for your letter and the application forms Enclosed you will find the completed forms and three checks (80 dollars) for the application fee and the first month's rent for dormitory. The additional 5 dollars will be deposited at your college. I shall appreciate any favorable action you might take in admitting me to your college for the spring semester of 1990.
    I am most anxious to hear from you soon. Thank you for your attention.

范文4: 寄交入学及资助申请表并催寄Ⅰ-20表
    Attached I am sending you the completed application forms for admission and financial aid for the fall term of 1989. I would like very much to be admitted into your Department of Social Work for a bachelor's degree.
   I have requested that the letters of recommendation and my academic transcript be sent to you. I also hope to receive your Ⅰ-20 form as soon as possible.
   I am most anxious to hear from you soon. Thank you for your attention.

范文5: 请美国大学将成绩单转寄他校
    I wish to request that official transcripts of my academic record be forwarded to the Graduate Admissions Offices of the following institutions:
University of Texas, Arlington—2 copies
University of Maryland, College Park—2 copies
Eastern Illinois University—2 copies
Florida Tech University—1 copy
Long Island University, Brooklyn Center—2 copies
    Enclosed you will find a check for $ 25.00 to cover the cost of these transcripts.
For your reference, I attended the University between September, 1990 and February 1991. and received an M.S. degree in Civil Engineering.
    Your prompt response to this request will be greatly appreciated.
    Check enclosed please.

范文6: 补寄申请费及财力证明
    I am sorry that I forgot to enclose the application fee in my previous letter. Attached herein you will find a check for $ 20 as the fee.
    Also enclosed is a statement of my mother Mrs. Lin, which is supported by a certificate of deposit. The amount of financial resources is more than sufficient to cover my educational expenses.
    Thank you very much for your assistance.

范文7: 附财力证明,但仍请考虑奖学金
    I am enclosing the completed application for an assistantship and a certificate of account balance issued by my bank. It is hoped that you will send me an I-20 form at your early convenience.
    As mentioned in my previous letter, I do wish to obtain an assistantship for Fall 1989. But if the financial aid is not available. I will come to enroll with my own funds first and wish to be considered for financial aid later in Spring or Fall 1991. The money in my account was supplied by my parents, and I want to be independent of them as early as possible.

范文8: 通知已考TOEFL,成绩将由ETS寄发
    Thank you for your letter of May 16, 1990, I took the TOEFL in mid-May and the score is due to come out in mid-June. The ETS will send you an official score report as soon as it becomes available.
    Your kind attention to my application is much appreciated.

范文9: 通知TOEFL和成绩单已请ETS和学校寄发
    With reference to your letter dated March 15 regarding my application, I wish to inform you that I requested ETS to forward my TOEFL and Tsinghua University to send my transcript to your office about eight weeks ago. They may have reached you or will reach you shortly.
    Many thanks for your assistance.

范文10: 通知TOEFL及GRE成绩已寄出(附收据)
    Thank you for your letter of July 25. I wish to inform you that the official copies of my GRE and TOEFL scores have been requested. Enclosed you will find acknowledgments from ETS which show the code of your University as a recipient of my scores.
    Your assistance is very much appreciated.
