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Calf love, half love; old love, cold love.
 童年相爱 ,半是稚气; 老年相爱,爱得深沉

Call a spade a spade.
Call me cousin, but cozen me out.
 与我攀亲可以 ,欺骗我可不行
Call no man happy till he dies.
Can man be free if woman is a slave?
 妇女当牛做马 ,男子焉能自由?
Capacity without education is pitiful; education without capacity is throw away.
 有才干缺教育令人可惜 ; 有教育缺才干被人抛弃
Care is no cure.
Care killed a cat.
Carve your name on hearts and not on marbles.
 把你的姓名刻在人们的心上 ,而不是刻在大理石上
 J.Addison 艾迪生
Cast not out the foul water till you bring in the clean.
 端来清水以前 ,别把浊水泼掉
Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance.
Catch your bear before you sell its skin.
Chains do not hold a marriage together, It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads, which sew people together through the years.
Chance generally favors the prudent.
Chance is a word void of sense; nothing can exist without a cause.
 机会是个没有意义的词 ;任何事物都不会无缘无故地存在
Character is the first and last word in the success circle.
Character is what you are in the dark.
 D.L.Moody 穆迪(美国教士)
Charity begins at home.
 仁爱先施于亲友 (英汉谚语 )
Cheapest is the dearest.
Cheerfulness is health; its opposite, melancholy, is disease.
Chiefly the mold of a man's fortune is in his own hands.
 意 ]F.Petrarch彼特拉克
Children are poor men's riches.
Children learn to creep ere they can go.
Choose a life of action, not one of ostentation.
 要选择行动的一生 ,而不是炫耀的一生.
 古罗马 ]C.Nepos 内波斯
Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye.
 选择妻子 ,用耳比用眼可靠
Choose neither a woman nor linen by candlelight.
Christmas comes but once a year, But when it comes it brings good cheer.
Civility costs nothing.
