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早晨起床后,我照了照镜子,看起来not a hair was out of place, 心情大好,但没想到上班路上又是堵车又是丢东西,今天真是a bad hair day……Hair和我们的生活息息相关,来看看这些和hair有关的短语吧。

Not a hair was out of place. 干净利索,一丝不乱

bad hair day: “头发糟糕的日子”,暗示一整天都不顺利,心情不好

make one's hair stand on end: 使人毛骨悚然

curl one's hair:令人惊诧,令人惊恐


get in one's hair 激怒某人

pull one's hair out 生气;发怒

harm/touch a hair on one's head 不伤某人一根毫毛

put hair on one's chest 让人不舒服

a hair's breadth 即将来临;千钧一发

split hairs 在小事上争论不休;斤斤计较

hide nor hair 踪影;痕迹

let one's hair down 放松

a hair to make a tether of  小题大做的借口(尤指借他人偶尔失言等故兴起的轩然大波)

 both of a hair  (性情、爱好或行业)彼此一样

to a hair (=to the turn of a hair) 丝毫不差地;恰到好处地

bring one’s gray hairs (with sorrow) to the grave 使老人伤心而死

by a hair 一发之差

comb one's hair 申斥、责骂某人;狠揍某人

get in one's hair  打扰某人;使某人气恼

get someone by the short hairs  任意摆布某人;完全操纵某人

go against the hair  违反天性; 违反本意

grey hairs 老年

hair about the heels 没有教养;无礼貌;粗野

hair in one's neck 麻烦事

hang by a hair 千钧一发;岌岌可危

keep one's hair/wool on 保持冷静;不发脾气

let your hair dry 别那么神气,;别那么拿架子

lift /raise one's hair  打败某人;杀死某人

not turn a hair (=without turning a hair) 不动声色;泰然自若

out of one's hair 使某人不受打扰;不惹恼某人

stroke someone with the hair 安抚,抚慰

stroke/comb/rub one's hair the wrong way 触怒某人, 惹某人生气

Take a hair of the dog that bit you 以毒攻毒;以酒解酒 (英国古时迷信说法, 人被狗咬伤后, 可剪该狗身上的毛烧成灰敷)

within a hair of 差一点儿
