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New Music Stars 歌坛新星


Pop stars have traditionally not come from the upper classesof society. Eminem grew up on atrailer park. 50 Cent is from the dangerousghettoesof New York. The Beatles grew up in the poor, industrial city of Liverpool.

However, some musicians have come from the army. Elvis Presley, the King of Rock and Roll, served with the American Army in Germany whilst Jimi Hendrix was in theparachuteregiment.

Following in that tradition comes the latest British musical sensation, James Blunt. His lastsingle, ‘You’re Beautiful’, was ahuge hit, and his concerts have sold out all over the country.

But what is awell spoken,ex-army officerdoing making music? James Blunt comes from a family with a long tradition ofmilitaryservice. His early life was not filled with music. His army officer father thought all music, even classical, was unnecessary noise.

Being from a good family, he was sent toboarding schoolat the age of seven. He then went on to University to study engineering, then Sandhurst, the officer training college. His life seemed certain to follow that of his father’s and grandfather’s before him - private schools, a good university and a career as an officer in the Household Cavalry, one of the bestregimentsin the British Army.

He had, however, started playing the guitar as a teenager. When he was sent to Kosovo, he didn’t just take his gun – he also took his guitar, attached to the side of histank. As he drove through villages damaged by the war, he used to sing the John Lennon song ‘Give Peace a Chance.’ “Well,” he later said, “we werepeacekeepers.”

So where did all thisleadhim? Well, in 2003 he left the army and went to Los Angeles to make a record. His accent was considered too posh for many record producers and companies in England.

In America, however, it helped open doors. In 2004, his firstalbum‘Back to Bedlam’ was released, and the singles ‘High’, ‘Wise Men’ and ‘You’re Beautiful’ have been great successes. For the singing soldier,swappinga gun for a guitar has been a good choice.
