Harry Potter World 哈里波特世界
While fans of the fictional adventures of an English boy wizard are counting the days until the publication of the seventh and final Harry Potter book, atheme park inspired by Harry's adventures is to open in the United States. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park will open in Florida in 2009, and will featureattractionsandridesbased onlocationsfrom the Harry Potter books. The novels' author JK Rowling has alreadygiven her blessingto the project. She said, "The plans I’ve seen look incredibly exciting, and I don’t think fans of the books or films will be disappointed." Stuart Craig, the man in charge of thecreative designof the park, is an Oscar-winningproduction designerwho worked on the Harry Potter films so it should befaithfulto JK Rowling’svision. Stuart Craig said, "Our primary goal is to make sure this experience is anauthentic extensionof Harry Potter's world as it is portrayed in the books and films." Visitors to the park will be able to explore some of their favourite locations from the book such as the village of Hogsmeade, the Forbidden Forest and, of course, Hogwarts Castle, where Harry goes to school. Although fans canlook forward toa holiday in the Harry Potter theme park, many will besaddenedby the fact that thebest-selling seriesis nowdrawing to a close. The finalinstalmentin the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, will be published on 21 July, andto mark the eventJK Rowling is to read extracts from the book to aselect audienceat midnight on the day of publication. Rowling has announced that two characters die in the final book, but has not revealed if Harry is one of them so fans will have to wait to find outthe fateof their magical hero. |