education on the history of revolution 红色教育
中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平9月16日赴湖南考察调研,了解当地开展红色教育、发展扶贫产业、巩固脱贫成果等情况。 President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Hunan province on September 16. Xi learned about education on the history of revolution, poverty relief industries, and progress in consolidating poverty eradication. 开展主题教育,要让广大党员、干部在接受红色教育中守初心、担使命,把革命先烈为之奋斗、为之牺牲的伟大事业奋力推向前进。 The education campaign on the history of revolution should make Party members and officials remain true to the original aspiration and undertake their mission, and strive to advance the great cause that the martyrs fought and sacrificed themselves for. ——2019年9月18日,习近平在听取河南省委和省政府工作汇报时指出 |