be in the hot seat 处境尴尬,身负难任
“Be in the hot seat 坐在热椅子里” 用来形容 “身负重任、处境艰难,需要解决非常困难且重大的问题”。如果某人 “be in the hot seat”,那么这个人很有可能因自己的处境招致责难。“Hot seat” 的原义是 “电椅”。 例句 There's a new manager in the hot seat today. 新来的经理面临着重大而艰难的局面。 His parents asked him lots of questions to see if he was telling the truth. They really put him in the hot seat. 他父母为了弄清他是不是在说实话,问了他很多问题。他真的麻烦大了。 The teacher put the student in the hot seat, asking her questions to see how much she could remember. 这个老师为了测试这名学生记住了多少知识,问了她很多问题,这使学生倍感压力。 |