to fall on deaf ears 置若罔闻
如果一个人的建议或警告 “fall on deaf ears 落在了听不见的耳中”, 那么此人所说的话就没人听。这个说法形容人置若罔闻,充耳不闻。 例句 I reminded him three times that the homework assignment was due but it fell on deaf ears. Now he's failed! 我提醒了他三次该交家庭作业了,但他当耳旁风,置之不理。这不,他考试不及格。 I've tried to negotiate a better price with the salesman, but my words always seem to fall on deaf ears! 我想试着和推销人员搞一个更好的价格,但对我的话他们总是不予理睬。 The workers' demands for a pay rise fell on deaf ears. The managers just weren't interested. 工人们要求加薪的请求被置若罔闻。经理们压根就不关注这个问题。 |