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to wind someone up 捉弄、惹恼某人


我们可以用 wind up 这个搭配来描述给钟表上紧发条的动作。但如果发条拧得太紧,钟表里的弹簧就会崩开。英语中有一个被用来形容类似情形的表达,当你 wind someone up 时,就是说你一点点地捉弄某人,直到这个人无法忍受,终于恼羞成怒。如果你变得既焦虑又生气时,就可以用搭配 wound up,这种状态可能是由他人的玩笑引起的,也可能是你自己的行为所造成的。注意,这是一个日常的非正式表达。


It winds me up when the boss comes in an hour late and goes home an hour early yet criticises us if we are five minutes late back from lunch.

She loves winding up her little brother by hiding his toys.

It winds my brother up if I put my feet up on his coffee table. So I always put my feet up on his coffee table.

Trying to change a headlight bulb in my car really winds me up. It's so fiddly.


表达 wind something up 的意思是“终止”,它具体指使某件事情结束,也可以指关闭企业或机构。


Peter wound up the meeting by wishing everyone a good weekend.

The company was wound up after competition from the internet made it unprofitable to continue.
