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to make a meal out of something 小题大做


成语 to make a meal out of something 的意思是小题大做,故意夸大事情的状况。也常被用于形容某人故意夸大事情的难度,或者故意让事情变得更加复杂。


One thing I hate about football is the way the players always make a meal out of it when they are fouled. They pretend to be a lot more injured than they actually are.

I only asked him to tidy up the sitting room but he made a right meal out of it. It took him two hours just to clear up the room.

The space is certainly big enough but dad is making a real meal out of parking the car. That's the fifth time he's been in and out.


需要注意的是 to make a meal out of something 也可以直接被引用为“用(什么材料)做饭”,在以下的例句中它没有小题大做的意思。


If you came across a tiger in the wild it would probably make a meal out of you.

At the end of each week I just look in the fridge and make a meal out of whatever I find.

I don't think I could make a meal out of seaweed, but I know some people like cooking with it.
