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来电显示 caller ID
蜡雕 wax carving; wax sculpture
拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth
拉关系 try to curry favor with
垃圾融资 junk financing
垃圾邮件 junk e-mail
垃圾邮件 junk email; spam
垃圾债券 junk bond
垃圾综合处理 integrated garbage treatment
拉锯战 seesaw battle
啦啦队 cheering squad
啦啦队长 "cheer-leader, rooter king"
拉力赛 endurance race
拉练 undergo field training by marching and camping
拉链工程 zipper project
拉尼娜现象 La Nina phenomenon
蜡染 batik; wax printing
蜡像馆 wax work museum
拉选票 seek a vote
来电 fall in love with someone
来电显示电话机 caller ID telephone
来料加工 process materials supplied by clients; accept customers' materials for processing
来料、来样、来件加工产品 process products with materials supplied by clients
来世,下辈子 the next life
垃圾分类收集 separate waste collection
