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《静夜思》床前明月光,疑是地上霜;举头望明月,低头思故乡。译文一On A Quiet Night I saw the moonlight before my couch, And wondered if it were not the frost on the ground. I raised my head and looked out on the mountain moon, I bowed my head and thought of my far-off home.by S. Obata译文二 Night ThoughtsI wake, and moonbeams play around my bed, Glittering like hoar-frost to my wandering eyes; Up towards the glorious moon I raise my head, Then lay me down-and thoughts of home arise.by Herbert A. Giles译文三The Moon Shines EverywhereSeeing the Moon before my couch so bright I thought hoar frost had fallen from the night. On her clear face I gaze with lifted eyes:Then hide them full of Youth?s sweet memories.by W.J.B. Fletcher.译文四In the Quiet NightSo bright a gleam on the foot of my bed. Could there have been a frost already? Lifting myself to look, I found that it was moonlight. Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.by Witter Bynner译文五Night ThoughtsIn front of my bed the moonlight is very bright, I wonder if that can be frost on the floor? I lift up my head and look at the full moon, the dazzling moon. I drop my head, and think of the home of old days.by Amy Lowell
