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2023-12-07 17:11:01 2

Zhou Xinsheng, member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice-chairman of Shaanxi provincial committee of China Democratic National Construction Association, commenting on Chinese people asking for special treatment by using their social relationships

"The popular use of exploiting personal connections in China is extremely serious. It undermines fairness and justice, deteriorates social conduct, damages social morality and the image of the Party and government, poisons people's spiritual world and hurts the healthy growth of our next generation."


Miao Xuegang, NPC deputy and director of the Anhui Provincial Environmental Protection Department

"Everyone has the right to enjoy a good environment. Air belongs to everyone, because each person must breathe. Pollution is a public event, and everyone is responsible for it. We cannot solve the problem if the cause of pollution is not made clear."


Liu Li, NPC deputy and migrant worker who used to be a foot masseuse from Fujian province

"I have been a migrant worker for over 20 years. I work as a worker, my identity is a farmer, and I live the life of a wanderer. "


Shi Yaobin, NPC deputy and chief of Hunan Provincial Finance Department

"The super-ministry system reform cannot be a panacea for solving all problems and we must first change our work style. Everything can be done properly with the improvement in our functions and work style."

